Been running factory refurbished. Thats the important part. It must say factory refurbs. Ive had one failure in 5-6 years and was warranty replaced
Been running factory refurbished. Thats the important part. It must say factory refurbs. Ive had one failure in 5-6 years and was warranty replaced
I assume youve seen trashs guides. But yea I get it. Im sure your aware reencoding can kill quality too. Many grab the blueray and then reencode that to hevc just depends what works
Why dont you just redownload hevc on whats available and convert the rest?
Nowadays thats less than 10 drives. I literally just ordered 10 20 tb drives to fill my second nas.
I have two synolygy 1019+ with ds 517 expansion units. That 10 drives for each set. Technically i could set that up to have about 400 tb usable.
I buy factory recertified drives for about 200 ea. with a couple spares.yea its a chunk of change but not too crazy.
I have multiple friends with more than a pb.
Thats about a few days worth of downloads for me. Over 150tb raw 80 tb used
100% this. Long long time portainer user. With multiple upgrade failures where it would not move my container setup forward i moved to dockge after it got remote system support. The difference in simplicity is night and day.
Love your books and have bought the all book bundle. Please keep doing what youre doing. Good stuff
I love grav. Yes its a chore intially but ive move 30+ site from wp to it and all my clients love it
Im a big fan of grav
Things is ios only not foss but great software. Long time user
Ios or android? If ios look at an app called things. Nice collector app (db) thats what id look for is a nice little freeform db app for my phone thats exportable
Maybe use joplin or logseq note apps and build a template?
Sco xenix way back when was required for work. I decided to run it on my desk Then i had to work on sun machine for a few years. So ive really never been a windows person except for games. Once wine then proton atrted letting me game even a little then i got rid of every windows install i had and replaced with linux
Thanks. Been running ubuntu as daily driver for 10 years and looking to change it up. I hate snap and where its going. So good as time as any. Will move desktop eventually if i like it enough as long as i can game as easy (amd/amd) via steam.
Whats a good begnner nix yt or blog etc. I just got a beelink n100 i want to use as my guinnea pig with nix
Yea im currently looking into a diff distro
Context. Still broken in 23.04
What distro? Might be gnome only. Im on latestest budgie and cant add. Theres github issues etc. I can edit the file by hand and it works so no biggie but its a long standing issue
Except for parts of it that are broken
Been using ubuntu for almost 15 years. My annoyance with snap made me just switch to bazzite (gaming focused fedora atomic ). Takes a little getting used to since its immutable but im liking it alot more so far.