They could have paid every one of those employees nearly 6 figures instead. If the company is doing so badly that they feel they need to lay off a thousand people, they should not be handing out CEO bonuses, period.
They could have paid every one of those employees nearly 6 figures instead. If the company is doing so badly that they feel they need to lay off a thousand people, they should not be handing out CEO bonuses, period.
I prefer
For capitalism: capitalist-eating fungi
Sounds like they were right
Zen browser is pretty interesting too
Adding a bit more context, X.Org/X11 is often just called X for short
Having just replaced a Maytag appliance only 4 years into its supposed 10 year warranty (that only covers the parts not likely to fail) because it would have cost as much as the machine did new to fix it, yeah… The Maytag is absolutely not better made and their “reputation” is just false advertising
Same, did a rebuild of my PC when I cannibalized my old one into a media server (really only kept the drives, so not really more like just built a new one…), bought two nvme drives for it with the intent to put Linux on the first and Windows on the second, but held off on putting Windows onto it to force myself to stick with it until I got a real sense for what I’d need it for…
A couple months later I decided I’d just use that second drive for more storage. Hasn’t run Windows once in over ten months of use and I’ve yet to miss it.
Only took me sixteen or eighteen years of saying I’m going to switch to actually do it…
Yeah, that’s kind of a crucial part of critical thinking, and can absolutely be done without shutting the kid up… You can critically analyze the question with them without discouraging asking questions
I think a big part of that is that they’re underfunded constantly, and it’s probably about to get way worse
It’s possible it was a joke, similar to the “Britain only has 12 actors” one… I would believe the FDA having more contractors than direct employees, but definitely more than ten
At least according to Wikipedia, as of 2022, they had 18,000 employees
I feel like they could have at least some success marketing machines with Linux preinstalled as “ad and spyware free” and get at least some people interested
I have to wonder if there’s anyone left who actually likes it and isn’t just there to keep in touch with someone…
I use it as a command shell regularly and the verbosity isn’t an issue at all, between aliases and tab completion.
Honestly, having used both for years, PowerShell is actually easier in many respects just due to the object pipeline and dotnet, once you get to know them well enough. Being able to just toss output into a variable and mess around with it to understand its structure and contents is huge
Funnily enough, I use PowerShell as my daily driver and I rarely ever use the Format verb cmdlets and think they need to stop teaching people to use them as much as they do… They’re only meant to modify how things are displayed, but in doing so, they trash the objects that were on the pipeline and replace them with formatting commands, and cause confusion when people try to do something with what they output
The worst is using them to select properties, they should not have included that ability at all, that’s what the Select-Object cmdlet is for, which outputs usable objects
Anyway, sorry for the rant… I just think those overall teach new users bad habits.
Maybe we could call it Bucket’s Law
Yeah, I’ll admit I kind of stalled out in season 2 but I’ve meant to go back and finish… It would be easier if my wife liked that sort of TV 😅 I’ll just have to watch it alone 😭
I mean, they’ll probably get you more than your dues cost, by a lot… So, there’s that…
I remember watching the first episode and he brought up a terminal and thinking “here we go” then…“holy shit… Those are real commands”
That and the explanations I was ready to laugh at for being terrible, then… Wait, no, those actually make sense
OMG, they just got root access!!!
This would not shock me in the slightest