Glad to see you’re in the fight against fascists on the side of the fascists.
Glad to see you’re in the fight against fascists on the side of the fascists.
330 million people spread across 10 million square kilometers. Varying cultures and interests played against each other by the wealthy to divide us. Why do you think that no one cares or tries? Why do you think that all US citizens are eager for fascism? Were all the Germans excited for Hitler’s rise to power? Do you not see the calls to action? The protests? If not, you can blame the media and those that control it. You can blame the major tech companies that monitor and seek to influence and control our lives. You say you must defend yourself from someone like Trump in your own country? Surely no one in your country would be inclined to support fascism?
Not voting and being okay with it are not the same. Voter disenfranchisement is a real thing. There where bomb threats, people removed from voting rolls, and copious amounts of propaganda. These things do not happen in a vacuum.
I’m guessing you don’t know what it’s like to lack representation. I’ve lived in a red state all my life. My social circle is made up entirely of progressive people that want nothing more than to see sensible gun control approaches that start with adequate mental health care. I worry everyday my kids go to school that I won’t see them again. I really don’t appreciate you suggesting that I am failing my children by not effectively changing the system I was born into. A system that has been captured by the wealthy and used to hobble the education and information those around me are exposed to in a systemativ approach to maintain, grow, and enforce control. If it’s as easy as you seem to suggest, why would anyone live up under a dictatorship? Enjoy your soap box while I watch my country and the enviroment crumble around me, powerless to stop it thanks to the mass surveilance that surrounds us all everyday.
No, of the people that voted, a slim majority voted for fascism. I think that is an important distinction that will have consequences.
Hey, I really appreciate your input and breakdown on that, totally answers my question!
Honest question, is there something wrong with F-Droid concerning privacy?
Not to me, and not to them either. I already know, and Trump supports don’t care. These people don’t read history and were brought up through a poor quality education system that told them the US was the greatest nation on earth and we never did anything bad, and if we did, well, it worked out in the end didn’t it?
Well, in a situation where you are going to your primary physician and not going to a hospital then you would be responsible for the co-pay for the doctors visit and whatever the prescriptions cost after insurance, so even though it’s the start of the year and I haven’t paid anything towards the deductible, it still would be less than $50. With my plan, my co-pay is $10 and I usually have my prescriptions covered 100%. That’s why I’m saying a hospital visit would be a better comparison because that’s where you really get screwed here. I am in no way defending US healthcare, just being honest about my experiences. Now, if you didn’t have insurance, then a visit like this to the doctor and prescriptions could easily be over $150.
I’m with Ambetter, which has one of the lowest denial rates in the country, about 13% I believe.
If I went to the doctor for bronchitis, then I would pay about 15 dollars after insurance for the visit and prescriptions. Hospitalization would completely different though, and I think that’s a better comparison to make.
Well, that’s where Switzerland is, but I have no idea why it’s labeled CHE.
Endless Sky is a great game, and the Android port is solid. If you liked any of the Escape Velocity games then you’ll love Endless Sky.
I’m with you on both counts.
I’m running a pair of JBL 305p MKIIs with the matching LSR310S sub. I have it hooked to my PC and mixer with a Behringer UMC204HD which allows me to record the signal from my mixer. I’ve been happy with them for a couple of years now. Regardless, I would recommend studio monitors if you want a true sound.
I quote this shit all the time,
Fuck yeah! Haaaaa, Rain of Swords!
Acquired, acquired, acquired, acquired.