I mean that looks fucking dope so yeah, hell yeah!
I’ll take weapons that are as dangerous to the wielder as anyone else for $500…
Even Warhammer 40000 chainswords usually have the blade shielded from the wielder’s side. Yes, even the chaos and ork ones.
It’s made for plunge cuts!
You could say it’s a double-edged sword
I think that one may have more than two edges XD
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
That’s a Dark Souls weapon if I ever saw one.
Put a Taser on it and you’ve got one of the weapons from Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt, a d&d 5e supplement based on Bloodbourne aesthetic. I gave it to my campaign’s current big bad.
I only use this when I’m chasing away kids
Aesthetically? Hell yeah. Functionally? I am not taking a sword that can run out of juice to the battlefield.
This is the kind of weapon you bring to a battle expected to be so bloody you die before it does
This thing is fucking cool. You don’t even need the button. It doubles as a fan if you put on the floor.
Not just guys, let me tell you
Nicole Coenen has joined the chat
Everything is improved if you put a cross guard on it.
How cross does he have to be?
Properly cross
96 volt? This thing fucks
Is it time to rip and tear?
Btw cordless powertools are ridiculously powerful
As someone with an electric chainsaw gas is still magnitudes most powerful. This sword would be cool and would cut but it wouldn’t be like butter. You’d have to go relatively slow to avoid excessive friction binding the blade.
By the time you get your gas chainsaw started in spring, I’ll be six trees ahead of you.
I have an electric chainsaw. Fuck gas. For what I need one for battery is perfectly fine
Yeah but imagine a gas chainsaw sized electric one. That would cut like the wood was butter.
Nah, it wouldn’t.
If you go slow yes. But speaking from experience my dewalt 16" struggles going through a 6*6 unless you go slowly.
If I pull this out of a stump do I get to be king?
It’s a cool shelf piece but in terms of practicality I’m to attached to my extremities to dare to turn it on
King of the lumberyard
For the emperor
E1M1 started playing in my head looking at that