Funny thing is during the time period of the folks dressed here…. They were dirty nasty and thought taking baths actually made you sick. These guys would have had shit encrusting there assholes in cookie cutter shapes like stars and hearts, and they would have smelled worse than a alcoholic who pissed themselves on the subway.
Not really. Bathing in the 17th century was more common than a lot of people realize. Check this link out for a historian that argues this in an article:
I just do that dog thing where I hitch my legs up and use my arms to drag my ass down the hallway runner.
Meanwhile 1000 generations of Indians stare at you disgusted by your over reliance on technology.
“Technology” in this instance is “little nozzle pointed at bum” 🙃
Don’t forget the seat / water heater! And the butt-dryer
heater and dryer not necessary or common
Dude wipes coming in clutch. Watch me clean my asshole all day long friends.
Idk about you guys, but I typically don’t watch other people wipe their ass lol
I know an adult care nurse, she told me “everyone wipes their ass differently and they’re all convinced their way is the only way.”
Don’t kink shame
What if kink shaming is my kink?
Then shame on you.
“Wipers watching bidet users spray their nasty all over.” Two sides of the same coin if you ask me. The happy medium is the dry wipe followed by the wet wipe then another dry.
It’s directed water, and goes straight into the bowl. There’s no ‘all over’ unless you’re doing it wrong.
Also, I hope you’re not flushing those wet wipes. They lie about being biodegradable and cause fatbergs in the sewer that workers have to go down and clear.
Do you reach down and dip the toilet paper into the water to get it wet?
God no! lmao that’s almost as bad as that podcast guy that admitted he’d catch his own poop and gently drop it in the toilet so it doesn’t splash.
You can get plumbing-safe wet wipes (baby wipes, basically). They work perfectly well.
There’s no such thing as truly flushable wipes. They’re the bane of plumbers everywhere… Actually more the bane of people having to pay the plumber bill at some stage. A quick google will confirm this.
Think of it… To be flushable they need to disintegrate in water. But they’re wet wipes so they are always wet… Yet they’re not disintegrating. Wipes which disintegrate in water is just toilet paper.
plumbing-safe wet wipes
That’s usually a lie. But as long as it’s a rent house, it’s fine.
Oh yeah, definitely this. If it doesn’t break down in water, it won’t break down in the pipes.
they also cause millions of dollars in damages by clogging large scale sewer lines
What the actual fuck
it’s kinda sad how close minded some folks are… so much so that they’ll convince themselves that flushing harmful waste is ok.
Imagine getting a toilet to piss on your arsehole and feeling smug about it.
Now now… It pisses on your ass, splatters your ballsack, and THEN you smear WET shit all around just like every toilet paper peasant you look down on.
And I have a bidet… but I don’t strongly prefer it.
Every bidet I’ve ever used is like this. They’re just as dirty as dry wiping, just in a different way. Like, sure; with a bidet you end up with a cleaner ass after wiping yourself dry, but you can get the same result with a wet wipe but with less collateral spray damage to your cheeks and legs (and balls if you’re a dude).
This is totally not my experience. Maybe you have a bad bidet and/or dietary issues?
Imagine smearing shit all over your ass and feeling clean. If human shit fell on your floor, would you wipe it a few times with dry paper and say “good enough” or bring out a disinfectant spray?
Neither dry paper nor a stream of warm water is going to clean human shit off. If you aren’t using soap and some sort of scrubbing action, it still smells like shit.
Pre-shower poopers unite!
Bidet + shower with soap after. Anything else is not enough
There are dozens of us! 😂
Found the guy who’s never used a bidet.
can’t believe david tennant’s husband was the head of one of the largest and most power vampires in the world and david tennant was a vampire expert.
Imagine caring about how anyone else (aside for your intimate partner and/or possibly someone you care for) cleans their own asshole… 🤯
It’s hard not to care when you can smell them, but tbf that says more about the individual and not what toilet attachments they may or may not use.
I think the problem is with how close you’re getting to stranger’s assholes if you can tell from smell how they clean them (and I say this as someone with severe sensory processing disorder who can smell everything - I have never, ever smelt anyone and thought “that’s shit, they must not have a bidet”. Ever. The fact you have is significantly more gross than the ass cleaning habits of strangers).
Why would you want to watch that?