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I believe that should be 10 to the 4th power at the end there.
takes off nerd glasses
Kanye is a literal admitted Nazi.
Stop dickriding this fucking loser or using him in memes like he’s just some dude. Stop being complicit in normalizing Nazism, Jesus fucking Christ
Just because the guy in memes is a jerk doesnt mean we cant laugh at memes.
There are literal Hitler memes on the internet.
Do you think people who put Satan in their memes want to really go to hell or something?
Of course I understand that, but I also understand subtext and cultural currents. Regardless of whether or not using Kanye this way counts as endorsement, it still serves to normalize his relevance and help keep him, and therefore his thoughts, words, and opinions, in the cultural zeitgeist.
So we can either accept that or choose literally any other random idiot to be our go-to meme guy instead.
So why the fuck shouldn’t we?
i laughed at the meme, and didn’t know who the dude was. so maybe it’s not as big a problem as you think? shrug
You should spread awareness on why he is a jerk instead of just trying to supress his existence as a whole.
That will help people to get the complete picture instead of just “oh dont use this picture”. That’s how information works.
Believe it or not, there are still many people who dont know, thus don’t care about him or his thoughts. And you writing something instead of all this would have helped your cause more.
It could be funny if not for this guy’s rapidly stagnating mental health and the publicity he still has. He’s not a joke, he’s a deeply wrong unmedicated idiot who we can observe even there. When he was intervieved with a sock on his sad head and praised Hitler for some reason, it felt so cringe-worthy, but it’s unfair to him and to the persons who he promotes hate against to share it any further.
Mental illness isn’t carte blanche to be hateful without recourse. I live with literally the exact same condition as Kanye, but that condition never absolves me the work of being decent or having to live with the consequences of my poor decisions. My mental illness may at times explain my erratic behavior, but it absolutely never excuses said behavior. Stop using mental illness as an excuse to allow the rich and famous to do whatever they want without recourse.
Fair point. I just hold the opinion he’s both an asshole and he’s used and enabled by other actors to stay this way. He sure has an agency, even if it’s a bit less than NT persons have.
Downvote for ‘literally’. New adverbs would be fetch.
I recall he had a ski mask on his head, the sock was on his hand
It seemed almost like a bondage mask from what I remember
I don’t remember the sock though… Why do I find that so much weirder than just the mask?
It was, and it’s something he’s done before.
You are probably correct. I’m not from a ski region so I thought about him like of a caricaturic burglar.
I believe!!!
4.0 x 104
Is it too late to convert back
Yes. BTUs are of the devil.
Source: have worked with thermodynamic Freedom units and they’re awful.
((416 / 4.184) * 50) * ( 3 / 60 )
Or something like that
uhh, onion broadcasting scales