always the “no revenues guys” who drop the first line
A gal with a decent income!? Sign me up!
This is often assumed but most of the only fans adult content creators make very little. What if she makes very little but it just makes her feel sexy? I just want them to be happy in what they do.
So ive put a lot of thot into this, and after going through what I did with my ex wife, I think it wouldn’t be a problem so long as
A. I know about it.
B. I get access to it and all paid content
C. No one else appears in it. This covers the whole “well that was an old video I uploaded” scenario too.
D. The relationship is otherwise secure.
E. But the real problem would be someone with an onlyfans wanting to date me.
C and E sound indicative of some insecurities.
I mean, I wouldn’t want to deal with the mental gymnastics involved with my significant other getting down with other people
An open relationship isn’t that weird of a concept to some. It’s about how much others mean to you, not how much of them you posess. People in these comments are fucking pathetic for not understanding this basic fact of healthy relationships: You do not own anyone else. To any degree. Period.
That’s a neat story you got there, but literally nobody here is saying they do own someone else.
Why yes you are correct: what I’m saying isn’t appliccable to 100% of people! Do you want a gold star for your basic observation?
It’s like you retards don’t understand that not everyone has or wants the same relationship.
You are in this comic.
I mean we’re just chatting, but for some reason it feels like you’re yelling
Not my problem Poe’s Law is real.
It’s fine to not want to date someone with an onlyfans, but I feel like the guys who go out of their way to say it usually have other red flags about
I just ask that people realize what I realize, which is it’s an issue with ME that I’m not secure enough to be with a person who I can see having sex with someone else. I cannot control my feelings but I am responsible for them, or at the very least, other people are not responsible for them(at least in this example anyway it’s not as if the of model was having sex with other people AT me.)
It’s ok to be monogamous :)
Oh absolutely, I dont feel bad about that. But the feeling I get thinking about being with someone who does that kind of stuff is exactly a feeling of insecurity. It’s fine and normal, same way its normal to have a little anxiety or a little depression. In healthy doses it’s essentially just personality traits, but to me those feeling stem from insecurity. Perhaps it’s even innate and not something to be ‘fixed’ but it still feels like insecurity to me. But I’m realizing that I suppose I can only speak for myself here.
Except insecurity the word is used always as a pejorative.
It doesn’t have to. Same with anxiety, alone no one’s going to think the word itself is good, yet a healthy dose of anxiety is simply awareness.
It isn’t about what you think it should mean it matters how people use it.
Yes. Girl does not have to be a superstart to send pics on OnlyFans and similar. Fetishes exists, she can show feet and have ugly face.
I’ve dated a couple hot chicks back before OF and cam sites were mainstream, and honestly it’s tedious if you aren’t equally attractive. I wouldn’t have dated them if I wasn’t confident in the relationship but it’s still tedious when dudes will walk right up to yall and hit on her in front of her when you’re obviously together.
It’s probably not something that’d be a problem now that I’m in my 30s, but I wouldn’t know cause I don’t get dates these days anyway 😂
Patch notes: clause unnecessary. Refactored to cover the general case.
What about a guy with an onlyfans?
They don’t want to date me either.
Hmm, have you tried wearing a fancy hat?
Person doesn’t want to date person with OF
Person with OF doesn’t want to date person
It seems the universe is in harmony.