Hey guys intrusive thought here, can a betta fish walk out of the room and its tank? Or would she just hide from me?
To use “u”, “ur”, and “your” in the same sentence is mind-blowing.
At least they r each used correctly.
Did Zoomers just solve a huge problem that’s plagued the English-speaking world for generations?
No it’s an extra kink in the maze of English, double possessive forms.
I think text speak is a bit older than the zoomers.
But in any case, I propose u’re for the sake of grammatical correctness.
Ok professor. Now fix their, there and they’re.
Thei’re. Just merge them. Simple.
And yet here you are
“it”? I’m offended for the cat.
That’s fine, the cat is an asshole anyway. I know that as I’ve always had cats. They are evil… Evil… Fluffy… Assholes.
Cats I know get human pronouns. Random cats get “it”.
When your kid tells you he’s VERY HUNGRY and you do this wonderful meal, and he takes 2 bites and says he’s full 🤬. At that moment, those 2ms after he says that, you really hate that little fucker’s guts.
I feels bro
We had to feed next door’s kid one day because of some family emergency.
“How many fish fingers do you want?”
Sits down, eats one.
“You said you wanted two…”
“I only ever eat one but my mum always puts two out because she thinks it looks mean if she only gives me one.”
The second one is to keep the cat distracted long enough that you can eat the first one.
Yep, same reason. You always make like A LIT extra… in case he/she wants some more… in reality, you become a cold meal expert when you’re a parrent.
I got chickens. It’s great because I couldn’t throw food away, they are happy to complement their diet with whatever the babies drop or don’t eat, and I feel good as it keeps the chooks happy and it contributes to making eggs! Win win.
Yeah, I live in a building though… and have parrots. It’s not like I could give that to the parrots, they’re fairly small.
But a neighbour has a dog and I try to give him leftovers from time to time. I really don’t like throwing food away or letting it rot. I am fortunate enough that I can afford that meal, not everyone is as lucky as me.
That’s just its way of getting you to pick it up again.
in case of cats, you just gotta learn that if they want to be with you they would be already there so no point in carrying them
that’s true but my cat HAVE to watch me while I shower. If I close the door and leave her outside she’ll scream like someone is breaking her bones. I’m seriously afraid someone is going to call ASPCA, so I just carry her to the bathroom when I’m going to take a shower or I’ll have to stop mid-shower to open the door.
Things cats makes us do…
That works both ways. I took my cats to the vet yesterday. They only realized it wasn’t a camping trip when we pulled out without packing the dogs or any gear.
You take your cats camping?
In a camper trailer, yes. They love it.
Are there any problems with them getting out/running away?
Nope. They know the trailer moves, and never go for the door. I’ve never had a problem with that.
I might get downvoted but it’s not betrayal. Betrayal would be if the pet called the cops on you. That’s why pets can’t talk.
Having the pet go anywhere else might be a let down but it’s not betraying you for wanting to be elsewhere