If I were rich, yeah I’d want purple on this level
Dude is trying to sell a kitchen that only the protagonist from saints row would buy
There’s no such thing as bad or good taste, when it’s limited to one’s choices.
When you are calling your own taste good, or some other person’s taste good just because, and make it something social - that’ll always be bad taste.
Yeah, and market doesn’t have anything to do with taste.
About the photo - if not for that horrible floor, I’d like it. Should have made it solid dark gray.
I love it… unfortunately I can’t buy a house.
Honestly if the color would be less vibrant and more washed out, it’d look great. I love to the floor has purple accents as well that match the furniture
Color corrected to the best of my abilities by eyeball with my phone. It still looks out of place but the original picture taken certainly didn’t help
I like it. Fill it with plants and it could be really cozy.
You know what, you’ve changed my mind. I could totally see this being a bit more rustic and homey. Just depends on the color combo.
For me the biggest problem is the floor Like replace it with something more traditional and it might be alright
Someone was really into Saints Row 2.
or Milka chocolate
That’s entirely the wrong kind of purple for that
Milka purple would look 10x better.
It’s probably just that the oven doesn’t match
Lol I could probably get that kitchen for like $8000. Who the fuck did they hire?
A clowntractor
Maybe $15k dollarydoos?
Well clearly someone who is colorblind…
Someone call 911, Grimace has been murdered!
My eyes hurt. But suddenly I want cherry swirl ice cream.
Not sure about others but I like this color scheme
The colour scheme is ok and is even used a lot by brands, but it doesn’t work at all for this kitchen. I can’t believe the kitchen company even agreed to it. As in, I would imagine they’d warn them it’s gonna be f*ing ugly and only go through with it when they insist.
I kind of like it but I get exhausted looking at it for more than 5 minutes
I could… survive this layout.
But when selling a house, you want to appeal to as many as possible. And this kitchen does not have wide appeal.
And that need for wide appeal makes every house boring.
I would argue that there is many ways to preserve wider appeal w.o. it having to be boring.
Heck even in this kitchen if all that was wrong was the paint job, you can fix that in a weekend.
But it is the floor and working top, the shape of the cabinets, the poor tiling and walls, the mismatch of the cabinets and stove, the lack of appliance space, the lack of windows…
It’s a definite no from me. The color scheme and that floor, just no. The stove sticking out, also a definite no.
All the cupboards also seem abnormally shallow to me, as if large plates would not be able to fit in the hanging cupboards. But maybe my perspective is confused because of a larger stove than I’m used to.
For me, that entire kitchen would have to be replaced after buying. We don’t know what corners this house flipper cut though, I would not trust this place to be done well.
Honestly, the interior decor of a house probably seldom matters.
It always depends on geography.
If you have a outrageously painted kitchen inside a house in a prime area, no one is going to care about the colors of the cupboards.
Well, if you have a house to sell in a prime area, there’s no need to put in an outrageous kitchen like that in order to attract buyers. The only reason you’d need to do that is if your house ISN’T.
I would 100% splash some teal accents up in there and go full 1994 jazz ass kitchen
I love purple but I would hate this kitchen.
My living room walls are purple but less overwhelming by than this.
lol what a waste of money.
Like it’s kid’s bubblegum grapetastic flavor purple. It’s “look what it’s done to the camera’s white balance” purple.