Top Left – More or less the default position, sensible enough, if a bit naive. Nothing wrong with this.
Top Right – Having knowledge is a good thing, and so is making decisions based on sound risk-benefit analysis.
Bottom Right – Well, at least it’s an informed decision. Just don’t try to pass off the risk on someone else if it backfires.
Bottom Left – Oooouuuuh, you don’t want to be in this quadrant, trust me…
Everyone who thinks they are in the bottom right, is in the bottom left.
I think the show does a good job at showing how easy it is for Dale and Bill to swap too. Just recently watched the episode where they basically end up in a ditch because they didn’t really know how to use a digger - it’s hard to tell who is dragging down who.
No the right guy didn’t invest in crypto because he knows it’s too risky
That coin ain’t right!
I’m sorry, you want me to pay you in hwatcoin?! We don’t accept your silly Canada dollars here, this is Texas.
Maybe, but I kinda think Dale wouldn’t bother with crypto thinking it’s some kinda government psyops or some conspiracy lol
If Dale isn’t Satoshi himself he’s definitely skeptical of it but I feel like he probably does have at least a stake in a mining operation and a cold wallet buried somewhere.
So he would invent his own cryptocurrency
Bitcoin isn’t going anywhere unless someone figures out how to successfully hack it. All the other crypto currencies can get fucked.
Fuck Bitcoin and all of its energy and storage wasting.
If we had nuclear fission/fusion creating all of our power, I wouldn’t care but we are still using oils and coal to produce electricity.
The world is seeing this effect, We didn’t even have a fucking winter in Canada. Shit what tends to be the coldest month of the year we have already seen positive double digits (please join the rest of the world in using real units murika), hell I’ve biked to work WEARING SHORTS last week
Kek shitty finite currencies with transparent transactions promoting hoarding can get fucked monero all the way
HODL mean anything to you? LMFAO
Once someone hacked Bitcoin to give himself a bazillion bitcoin for free. Everyone else could see that - so they just patched the vulnerability - but Bitcoin was hacked.
That’s why it ended up going here.
Which means it’s probably still being hacked but if someone was smart they would steal small amounts from everywhere. Fly under the radar and because it’s “decentralized” if it’s small enough and random enough no voice would be loud enough to silence it.
Sssshhhh, you’re going to break their fragile reality
You know what’s hilarious is that this is another problem that was long solved with the traditional centralized systems.
I will continue to laugh at the response of SWIFT after investigating the viability of block chain and crypto currency. I’m paraphrasing but it was basically “ya, nah”.
For anyone who knows SWIFT is the largest network of financial transfers in the world and not owned by any one company.
“Do I look like I know what a bitcoin is?”
Crypto-whatsit? Is that something from one of Bobby’s vid’ya games?
It’s a new form of money, Hank. VIRTUAL MONEY.
Well, excuse me, Dale, but here where I live, in the REAL WORLD, we already have a perfectly fine money. It’s called AMERICAN DOLLARS and it works just fine, I tell ya h’wat.
You say that now, Hank, but wait until the cyber-swarm-uprising of 2034 comes and replaces your precious “real world” with a virtualsphere so indiscernible from what you think you know as real! Wake up and see what’s coming on the horizon!
Can you see me kicking your ass on the horizon?
Cryptocurrency, man! Money on the computer man, dang ol’ ones and zeros, onna internet y’know, pew pew pew, zippin’ on them wires…
Boomhauer, for once in my life, I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about.
pops another beer
Crypto and crypto accessories.
This is perfect!
Catch the new dystopian thriller, “Cyber-swarm-uprising. 2034: Book one” in theaters August 23rd, 2024!
Rip dale you’re missed
Are you one of the writers for the revival?
I wish.
Dude, i was also going to ask if you’re a writer on the show…
i read your post and heard hank’s voice perfectly in my head. You have talent, son.
Aw, shucks… 🙂
I like how we don’t need to be told which character is saying what. What a great show. What great characters.
Tell y’what man, you talk’n bout ol’ crypto, man, I don’t want none-a that ol’ bitcoin, none-a that ethereum, man, that ain’t money, y’know, talkin’ bout dang ol’ dogecoin, man.
Spot on! 😂
This made me laugh an inappropriate amount for what it is.