Kinda shitty of the chart creator to leave out 2018 and 2021. While the point still stands, it biases it against Netflix.
It’s just purposefully misleading. Not cool, chart maker dude. Not cool.
What happened in those years and why were they omitted? It’s odd that they just leave it out with (as far as I could tell from the linked source) no explanation for that.
After quitting i feel like im missing out on nothing. I sail the seas if i actually need anything, and it probably wasn’t on netflix anyway
I never had Netflix. Or any streaming subscription. I considered it once, several years ago, but I couldn’t justify it at prices then, and I sure as shit won’t waste my money now. I’ll help them save their bandwidth.
For a streaming platform to be actually useful it needs to be a almost monopoly like steam. Netflix had a chance but missed the spot, due to the greed of Studios. So it’s back to fractured marked until someone comes with a fresh idea of how to distribute video.
Or many service providers competing on price, quality of service and features, not competing on exclusivity like they do now.
Like grocery stores. Imagine if only one chain has the exclusive rights to sell potatoes and another one has rights to pasta. They can ask whatever price they want, because what you gonna do? Go to another store to get your 'taters cheaper? Hah, you’ll cry and you’ll pay what we ask! (BTW, growing your own potatos and sharing them with your neighbor infringes on our rights and is illegal. We’ll sue you to oblivion if we catch you doing it.)
VPNs are much cheaper than Netflix, torrents don’t have ads, it’s always perfect quality, and the content catalog is excellent.
The only difference is when you want to watch in another primary language, for children and so. Torrents are great for popular stuff in a popular language. Not so great otherwise.
Why is 2018 and 2021 skipped over?
Do you really think these years existed?
After seeing this post a couple times (which speaks to its relevance) it got me thinking that enshittification (of the world) will definitely continue until our morale improves, as in until we make them stop. Are there any online collectives that work together to stop this tomfoolery?
Are there any online collectives that work together to stop this tomfoolery?
Same as it has been for the last 100 years: Vote with your money. If you don’t like the product/service, don’t buy it. Stop thinking you can force them to change their offering.
Vote with your money.
I really hate this phrase. It basically is saying that if you have more money then you have more “votes”.
Or to put it in another way: If you have more money you matter more.
If you have more money, that means that society values you more. Thus you matter more. You’re just a better human being when you have more money.