Sure would be nice to foster new niche communities on Lemmy instead of talking about our obnoxious ex-platform
Personally I’m just enjoying the war.
lol I respect the honesty
I think we are just still in the early stages of a breakup lol
Reddit ia gonna get fat soon
And not just a regular amicable breakup but one where you left after finding out the other person was actually a cold-hearted narcissist who only pretended to care about you and now they’re lying to everyone about how you were the horrible one. So it’s understandable to feel some schadenfreude for awhile.
Eventually I will get to there but I see it as part of the grieving process for my lost communities for now
My NFL team last year gave up its franchise quarterback, and the subreddit basically only talked about the former QB for the entire preseason, and then still talked about it for half the season. Then it died down. And before the protest, he wasn’t really talked about all that much.
Reddit is still fresh in people’s minds. It will go away. In the early days of reddit a LOT of people talked about digg, but within a few months it just wasn’t mentioned much anymore.
A lot of people here spent years on our ex-platform. It’s going to take some time to get that out of our system. In the meantime, enjoy the shadenfreude!
Yup. As someone that has been on Reddit since like 2007, when it was purely a tech news site and I don’t even think had comments yet, I don’t really understand these “just stop talking about it” posts. No. This guy took something that held immense value for a large percentage of our lives, and turned it into something near-worthless (at least a shell of it’s former glory) over a few years time. I think we should talk about it until it’s dead. I want to hear about it’s death knell.
Fair points, and outstanding analogy
Honestly this stuff is pretty important for morale and organization among users. Particularly because reddit is censoring conversation on their site. I don’t think it’s useful to complain about it at this point.
I didn’t even think of that.
Makes sense, it definitely helps provide a sense of solidarity amongst us users
To be fair, shitting on reddit for its stupid mistakes is fun.
It’s a pasttime as old as Reddit
I can’t deny that. At least now, instead of doing it on reddit we can do it on a different platform
Why not both?
I’m doing my part in being involved in lemmy to the point I don’t miss reddit anymore, tho I’m having fun in seeing how people get so creative in fighting that overblown pig, it’s highly entertaining :D
Lmao, I can’t deny it is really entertaining seeing how creative people get with picking apart that dumbass ceo
Apparently it was like this when the Digg migration happened - give it a few weeks and it’ll die down as people get it out of their system
Or both. Both is good.
I’ve personally started two magazines on for communities I walked away from.
it used to be the same on Mastodon back in November during the great migration. everyone was talking about Twitter and Elon. just give it some time.
I see both happening here. And neither happens over night. Furthermore, both are okay.
The new niche community is shitting on reddit
At least we aren’t on reddit complaining about reddit. That always seemed silly.
Feels like subredditdrama except now it’s just reddit
I mean, that’s happening too, but this is kind of front of everyone’s mind right now.
Submit a couple of interesting links a day somewhere! I joined Reddit when it was just one page of stuff mostly of interest to Reddit staffers and Spez was submitting a non-trivial chunk of links himself. Was much, much smaller than the Fediverse is now. People just keep showing up as time goes on.
Yeah, that’s the whole secret - just keep active to keep the groups and threads interesting
I’m definitely giving it a shot at being more of a content contributor. It’s given me a newfound respect for heavy contributors on subs that I’ve loved so much
For example, I’ve been doing my best to create a new simpsons shitpost once a day/every two days since I’ve moved over and it’s been a lot of fun
We’re all still processing this; also, the panicked reaction to the initial exodus was the funnest part about Twitter dying and I suspect the same will be true with reddit.
I’m starting to see cat pictures, I think we’re finally getting there.
I mean, it’s not even a week in yet.
It will pass, but in the mean time this and other ex-Reddit content will get the word out…
A lot of casual users may not get what’s going on and see the point of all the protests.
So he said not to upload a video generated like this?
ffmpeg -filter_complex "nullsrc=s=1920x1080,geq=random(1)*225:128:128[vout]" -t 46 -c:v libx264 out.mp4
Got it
Change “random(0)” to “random(time(0))” so the videos are less easily removed by a bot. time(0) is the number of seconds from January 1, 1970 at midnight, so the random seed keeps changing. It’s still be black and white noise but not the same noise as anyone else.
You can change that “225”, which is actually 255 in the tweet, to any number smaller than that, but it’ll make the noise darker and reduce the randomness of it. The result still has to be between 0 and 255, so you could change it to 12+random(time(0))*243 or something like that if you really wanted to make it no darker than 12.
It’d be great if /r/videos opened and only accepted these.
It looks like they are asking users to stockpile John Oliver clips for if/when they reopen.
You can also create color noise 🌈:
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -video_size 1280x720 -pixel_format yuv420p -framerate 30 -i /dev/urandom -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f s16le -i /dev/urandom -codec:a copy -t 5
too bad we can’t add this when editing old comments. Though i wonder if a comment has a bigger size if we use the whole 10000 characters
And make sure to use an ad blocker while you do it.
It’s a little disappointing that Last Week Tonight is on break right now due to the writer’s strike cause Oliver would eat this up.
Ya this is they type of stuff John loves and I’m sure no matter what he will bring it up first chance he gets when they come back.
Huffman has learned nothing.
And it’s not even about the profit motive, it’s about the fundamental way in which he approaches situations with a zero sum game mentality. It’s about concentrating power over something as slippery as water, replacing something that works with something shittier BUT that he can control (see Victoria and AMA, or the photo and video hosting instead of continuing with Imgur). It’s about regarding with contempt the community that gathered around the site he created.
It’s about a guy that sold his stake in reddit thinking it was worth nothing, coming back as CEO when surprise reddit continues growing, and only being worth 10 million in silicon valley where his peers are worth billions. This is the show silicon valley, but in a universe where erlich bachman ended up as CEO of pied piper.
I read in an article that he was valued 600 million in 2017. that sum actually suprised me.
no idea and I dont really care, but since you brought it up, I thought share…
I’m just here for the popcorn.
How many people checked this persons posts to see if it’s the real Margot Robbie or not? show of hands.
Of course I’m the real Margot Robbie. What, you think someone would just go on the internet and tell lies?
I’m just waiting for the CEO to have to explain they are netting an annual profit and aren’t profitable over all yet.
Unless they are actually mismanaging money, they have to be netting profit.
It really isn’t. Twitter is still up despite musk and Reddit is still strong.despite this…you miss the aim. If the aim is egalitarian then yeah…but no the aim is to make personal money and power (in musk case it is political.platform like being a modern newspaper baron…the next Rupert Murdoch, spaz for the sweet sweet IPO for yacht.
It’s exhausting seeing all these cringy “we’re going to win with shitposts” things when all we really need is for people to post actual content.
Despite how quickly trends/content can age on the internet, you shouldn’t mistake that for actual transitions in platforms.
There’s a ton of logistical and infrastructure-related issues that need to be sorted out, but you’re being defeatist if you don’t think that just because there haven’t been mass migrations within a year, any sort of shift is irrelevant.
Twitter and reddit have incredible momentum and it takes a long time to slow them down.
Just look at how desperate Twitter has been with their advertising - I don’t think anyone would say they haven’t suffered some incredible damage over the last 8 months
“Don’t do that” - Zooms in to make sure everybody can see exactly what they aren’t supposed to do.
He also said that “let’s make it so that text is readable for everyone” - I was dying lmao.
Can I just say that I’m really happy that so many yt alternatives by people who aren’t morons are starting to appear? At some point, all I saw from friends and reddit was all bitchute and voat and they tried to stick this alt-right tinge to the fediverse, but alternatives to big corporate are starting to become more normal again.
bitchute and voat was always just going to be a place for nazis to go after they get banned since they don’t solve any of the problems of the thing they’re an alternative to. Still primarily for profit and doomed to enshittification. The fediverse is different because it’s an actual solution.
Yeah, but there was a time when things were getting pretty depressing, because there was this digital TINA: it’s either us big corporates or those “special” nazis :/
the only winning factor is if he comes out on top with a lot of money and unless reddit completely dies, he will. hell even if it completely dies he may still after inevitably selling the name/site/assets.
Louis Rossmann is like having an early birthday lol, he uploads video pretty much everyday since this reddit fiasco
Love that the subreddit made this move.
More on this:
Yewtube is just an instance of Invidious, so it’s showing the same video as your link.
I’ve never heard of either, After reading about them, are there any down sides?
Invidious/piped are basically just privacy proxies for youtube that provide a lightweight frontend for youtube as well.
Oh also for downsides like half the instances have dogshit uptime or are slow so I just use it as an index of youtube videos then play them in mpv
This is awesome.
This is good information
Always has been