Tasty nitrogen.
I’m never drinkin beer ever again
Maybe just avoid some Danish beer.
How would i know if they don’t make it like the danish ?
*me on Sundays*
The one’s pissing would drink the same?🤨
I once heard a wise old man at the pub urinals say “you never buy beer, you only ever rent it” before he proceeded to piss all over his shoes.
EA: and I took that literally
How they make American beers.
…we should put more junior-high science posters above urinals.
Piss beer idk about that lol
You’re going to be really upset when you hear about the water cycle
Excellent marketing. No notes
As usual, the US is already one step ahead: they cut out the middleman by skiping a step.
Really saved us a lot of time when we figured out you could just piss in the can
FYI, most popular Danish beers:
But you’re welcome to add more in the commemts
French beer the worst,inSpain mostly good beer
France has a very active craft beer scene, they’re available Even in small towns. But yeah, Cronenbourg etc is just meh
Where is the second guy from the right side looking? (゚_゚)
“Nice cock, bro”
Note to self, avoid Danish beer.
Or Norwegian brewers for that matter. Looking at you Ringnes.
I always assumed that pee killed plants.
Exhibits A: ever seems dog owners lawn with patches of dead lawn?
After seeing this pic I had to look up if I was wrong about this. And it turns out I’m not. Just got dilute the pee first.
Another way is to add urine to compost and use the compost.
Sucralose and other similar artificial sweeteners make human urine extremely toxic to the environment as well.
This sounds like bullshit.