Get the cheap house then go out and do things experiences are worth their weight in gold. Plus if the other large house is in the burbs as many expensive ones are it will be hard to walk anywhere anyway so just invite people over and when you pay it off you can make it a cheap air bnb if you want.
A cheap house away from people? The horror
You guys can choose where you live?
Personally, I had this same decision a few years back. My choices were to buy a really nice house in town close to things with a small city lot, or buy a run-down fixer upper outside of town (20-30 minute drive) with a large wooded lot and all the space/privacy I could ever want outdoors. I chose the house in town because I was concerned that if I lived that far away from things, I would effectively be isolating myself and adding additional mental hurtles I would need to jump anytime I wanted to go somewhere, not to mention the effect it would have had on my depression.
I am quite pleased with having a grocery store within a 5-10 minute drive from my house. I have restaurants, bars, local shops, and even the public library within a 10-15 minute walk from my house. Having access to high-speed internet in town, vs satellite, or DSL out of town was also a deciding factor in my decision to live in town. Overall, I’m happy with my decision even if I don’t have a large private yard to go play in.
My advice to you is to make a list of services, amenities, and conveniences that are important to you about your future home and then buy according to which better fits into the lifestyle you want to live. Best of luck.
Buy a cheap house and enjoy having money. In a few years your mortgage will be less than rent for a flat.
Spent less on my mortgage than I was paying for rent and that was years ago. Housing is fucked.
Recluse house. Better to travel to people you like than be stuck near randos.
I don’t think you understand the core dilemma…
Perhaps not, since I’m not an extrovert.
Consider the meme through the viewpoint of an introvert that hates traveling/is aware that driving is the most dangerous thing a typical modern westerner will do in their life.
That information should be mentioned in that case, since a “recluse” house means you will have to drive.
Yeah, that’s the downside they’re afraid of and why they want input. Plus there’s the simple reality that friends might say they’re going to drive to meet up but in practice it’s a hassle and people just tend to drift apart.
Buy a condo in a concrete building.
- quiet as fuck if you also get triple-pane windows
- neighbors are a rare part of your day if at all
- in the right area, no cars to drive, park, or recover from impound (you need a city with a subway though or forget about it)
- things will be nearby
- the rooftop is nice
- no lawn to mow
- no roof to repair yourself
- usually decent Internet options
- with some forethought, a high vantage and a good view.
We’re stoked but I hope yours works out also.
No garden to tend, no garage for workshop. Big no for me.
The hobbies I love most require space but I’ll never be able to afford a house anyway so… Shrug
Recluse house all the way, one can always invite visitors/neighbours/friends etc, one cannot easily do the opposite when you’re “too” close together.
Also, cheaper, means more money for banging parties.
banging parties
Cheap house but get a subscription to a gym/sport activity with the money you saved so you have social interactions?
You might be on to something…
If you can drive, recluse house all the way. It’s my cottagecore fantasy for when I’ll finally make it (any day now!)
Take the money you saved and remodel the recluse house exactly how you want. Maybe it’s different there but neighbors that socialize and befriend each other have gotten pretty rare.
Recluse houses are better for debaucherous parties of all types anyway. You’re more likely to get away with a little side hustle of manufacturing drugs too, which you could then invest back into the house, and parties.
Recluse houses are better for debaucherous parties of all types anyway.
All houses are great for debaucherous parties of all types! Your neighbours may not agree but they need to loosen up, maybe join one of those debaucherous parties for once
I live in town and occasionally throw debaucherous parties from time to time. The neighbors are always first on the invite list as they shan’t be complaining about the noise if they are participating in creating it.
You guys can afford houses?
I’ve had neighbors for 28 years and they’ve never been a significant portion of my problems. Largely nice, mostly indifferent, sometimes annoying
Being close to things, short commutes, no driving and not being lonely though?
Remove any of those and I’m instantly worse off
I strongly recommend getting a house where you can walk out your door and walk somewhere without feeling unsafe because the road immediately outside your house is dangerous if you aren’t in a car and have the destination you are walking be a pleasant environment to be a pedestrian (i.e. not endless stroads).
The impact on your health, especially if you can win the lottery and get a job within walking distance, cannot be measured easily and most people vastly underestimate the savings and quality of life impact from not having to drive everywhere for everything.
Thanks but that’s not really an issue no matter where I buy a house. I live in Denmark
That must be nice
It is. But I’m not originally from Denmark and people can be quite excluding and that’s why I’m afraid to feel lonely in a new neighborhood
Then I would definitely recommend moving somewhere where going out and meeting people is easy, whether it be hobbies, nightlife or other reasons to get together with new people and make friends. Definitely don’t buy a house somewhere where it takes a conscious input of energy from yourself to see others as when we become depressed that is the HARDEST time to get ourselves to push through inertia. If you are anything like me you are going to end up on your couch feeling sad and a lot of times you won’t push through that to drive the 30+ mins to whatever thing we were considering doing. You also can’t be anywhere near as spontaneous about interacting with people and participating in different community events when every time you do it requires specific planning. If you live in town all it might take for you to get involved in something happening you were unaware of or thought you weren’t interested in is to pass by it happening. When you live far away from things, you have to sit there on your couch and specifically make the decision that you want to participate in whatever thing you are interested in, and that can be a lottttt harder when you are depressed, trust me lol.
If you want the feeling of being out in the sticks, pay attention to being close to mass transit or easy drives out into nature.
This decision is all about you.
I’m an introvert who works with people, I could be a recluse all year and I’d be happy. Without work maybe I’d be a little lonely at times, but there is ways to fix that for me, without relying on neighbours.
You seem to like having neighbours though, so that’s very different. If that is something that worked well for you in the past, I think that’s an indicator for the more expensive house. It’s a permanent thing, after all, and if you’re rather extroverted or at least need humans around on occasion, then you shouldn’t make yourself unhappy by buying cheap.
When I lived in the boonies I had a house like that. It was on a windy mountain road that was rarely traveled except on Sundays when people would drive their classic cars around. I could sit there with a beer after mowing my lawn and have my own private parade, and walk the couple miles into town no problem.
For work I just had to walk down the hall because shipping my brain through meatspace to push buttons in a different place is stupid.
Honestly, that sounds like a great lifestyle fit for you, but for many people there is a huge risk in that lifestyle in becoming extremely isolated from other people and not feeling like there is an easy way to escape that isolation.
A couple of mile walk into town is not the kind of thing someone who is feeling down but wants to maybe meet people is going to do unless the bicycling infrastructure is pleasant and easy to use. It also leaves you heavily dependent on having a healthy body to socialize which again I think is generally a bad idea as it is the times we are in poor health that we need friends the most.
I really love being alone so it worked great for me. I hardly left my property and had so much upkeep to perform that I got in great shape.
But if you’re a person who likes people and needs human interaction I wouldn’t recommend it. Unless you really like Zoom calls.
The thing I like the most about my neighbors is that they leave me the fuck alone. I got lucky.
Considering how much turnover there has been in the area, I expect a few people who bought at less than 200k in the area are going to be looking to sell, and the landlord’s who are going to be buying property are going to rent it out to some crackheads, I’m sure of it… When they do, that bliss I have of being left the hell alone will go right out the damn window.
If I had the choice, of this place, or another just like it, but away from any neighbors, I would have pushed to be away from neighbors.
Anyone who I want around, can drive here. Everyone else can go away.