Here is the uncropped version, an Italian wedding in the 40s. With all participants equally thrilled for the photoshoot
It make it only creepier
“Look mom, I know it’s 20 years since you last talk with Agatha, but she’s family now and the two of you must be in our wedding picture”
i feel like i’ve met this woman. she runs the corner store 5 minutes from me. i think she’s on her second husband cos the dude looks nothing like this.
It’s possible, the one in the photo already had a “Please kill me” face
Dick Cheney?
The honeymoon is going to be awkward AF.
You… may not enjoy the answers:-P.
I’m curious, and I don’t enjoy most things anyway. What’s the deal?
But I did not say that I knew them! :-P
However, at a guess, she has trouble letting go of her “baby boy”. That type of marriage would be quite difficult, for the new wife & especially the husband caught in the middle.
Why is gaben in a dress?
It’s Peter Griffin actually
Im not sorry
I go horny jail
That scissors scene gets me every time
Thanks, it has pockets!
With the house keys in it
And a gun!
Easy, girl in the white dress is the side piece.
Nah, guy is. Big ol’ beard for the wedding
Hard to let go of mom.