Donut cat
dibs on owl on a broomstick bike
I’m more of a dingo dog
Pickle car any day.
I have been called a pig, and I am frequently in a pickle. I feel so represented.
Oh yes, it’s the legendary kurkkumopo! If you know, you know.
It’s between that and the hot dog for me. But I’m leaning pickle.
Definitely the donut car.
Donut car all day. Found your car
wiggle wiggle
I call the hot dog car!
I’m a cheese car man for sure, but imagine the smell on a hot, sweaty day!
Cheese it!!
Lowly’s Applecar fucking flies dude. It’s not even a contest.
You gotta make a decision
Leave tonight or live and die this way
(Love those lyrics)
Is that sculptor hauling Baphomet? That’s probably me.
Baphomet flipping you the bird, even.
Pretty sure that’s the two finger salute, “As above, so below.” Which is kind of what makes it Baphomet, not just a goat man.
This was the one I was drawn to as well… The irreverent goat hauling an idol of Baphomet stuck dead center in the middle of all these other crazy motherfuckers, feeling like he’s the most normal one of the bunch.
“But, if I’m the most normal… I’m scared to death of society.”
Well i was gonna answer ‘cheese car’, but you make a persuasive case.
Can i have the cheese car with Baphomet strapped to the roof?
Why isn’t this stuff a multi-billion theme park and series of movies and video games already?
Fantastic idea.
I’d like to say I’m the pig in the pickle car, but I’m actually the owl (which is already capable of flight) on the flying broom who for some reason is also riding a kick scooter.
Either the melted cat in the donut car, or the puddle of sloths in the red one.
Maybe not as fancy as the others, but I really like the little pink jeep. It’s boxy and cute.
I’ll let any of those drive up my ass.
Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: GayReporter, please show us in the Lemmy Code of Conduct where being gay is a reportable offense. And anyway, the gays don’t have a monopoly on having things driven up their asses.
Bold ruling.
I don’t know, the apple and the doughnut look a little intimidating to me, but more power to ya!
But not the mechanical rhino?
I said what I said.
I’m thinking the broomstick is going to be more trouble. That turns into toothpicks and ouchy ouchy.
Not gonna yuck your yum, but for the sake of my vivid mental imagery I’ll request you let the cute animal passengers exit before the act.
The animals stay.