Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo soundtrack
I’d stop for trash bags and stuff on the way. My wife is the one they should be afraid of.
Not quite the music for such an occasion, but their work on The Social Network goes unreasonably hard
Yes, because my imported car tunes to a foreign radio station that doesn’t exist when you first turn it on, the “source” button cycles through all 27 of the pre-programmed foreign radio stations then moves onto digital radio then CD and then Bluetooth, but picks my wife’s phone first, and needs to fai before allowing you to move onto the next phone.
Honestly, I just drive in silence most of the time.
- Me arriving at the abandoned warehouse
- Windows rolled down, Lady Gaga’s Just Dance echoing through the empty building
- Pull the breaks, lower the volume, sunglasses on
- “It’s Britney b1tch”
- Storm inside
It’s Britney, bwonch.
No. If I’m going somewhere to save someone, I don’t want my presence to be openly announced to everyone by having my music blaring, especially not some kidnappers. I’d want to be as quiet as possible, whether that’s on the way there or while dealing with kidnappers. I’m not smart enough to know what I shouldn’t end up saying and who knows if the info I blab about could be used against me in some way, so shutting up would be the best solution.
Nah, mind would be too distracted to hear the radio even if it was playing.
Nah I chat with the other people in the car.
Listen I’m down to risk my life to save my wife, but I’m getting a gang together to do it. Going alone is suicide
Fucking smart. Thanks for the tip. My car is still playing music cause we need the mood, but now that my brothers are in the car the soundtrack is harder to choose.
I’m thinking Jeru the Damaja, but whatever those two dickheads can agree on should work.
Honestly I’m just bringing the boys cause I know we’re all itching to kick some ass
I’d be driving to the police station
Neither. I’d call the police, they have the experts. We have reliable police here.
Have you never watched a movie? Obviously the kidnappers have people on the police force.
Lucky. Some places kill the caller.
Nope. But I never have the radio on anyway because I can’t stand the noise. Instead, I would be planning on just how I was going to kill each bad guy in the most torturous ways.
Man’s going in with Chopins first Ballade. That shit be fire, but also keep me calm so I can make safer choices when I roll up.
I would be playing Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler on repeat driving 90 mph with the windows down
Out of all the great suggestions ITT, I think I like this one the best. But I would be the kidnapped wife in this situation, so I don’t get to pick the music.
Of course not.
What are you, crazy?
I’d be listening to NPR.
when did i get a wife and why is she only 30 minutes away from me, and why do i know this?
Hell i should be asking where i am now.
Do you think I can just pull up to a kidnapping not prepped with the right music? I’d get kidnapped too.
Yeah man, I’m cranking Bulls on Parade while I do air punches and load my pistol.
Edit: maybe followed up with some Real Muthaphuckkin G’s.