Is there a hdr version ?
Edit: look at my other comment btw.
I was told in a post there is an AUR package too.
you can also find it on Flathub
Does it still have “hidden test” working?
Bittersweet memories… I’ll always associate this game with being down and out.
There was a jobs centre where I would go to search for jobs, print resumes, apply online, etc. Anyway, this was one of the games I played while in between interviews, or waiting for the men’s shelter to open.
This game along with Ricochet HD got me through the wringer without needing drugs or alcohol as a pillow, so I’m thankful they were there when I needed them.
Anyway that’s my needlessly wrought story of how lofi windows games saved me lol
if you subscribe to Netflix you can download a free ios game called pinball masters that is rather good.
Does anybody remember a similar mouse trap like game? Like something which pushing blocks and trapping a mouse maybe? Or perhaps you were the mouse and you were avoiding traps to get cheese?
That kind of sounds like Chip’s Challenge, but no mice involved. Lots of blocks and pushing, though.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t alive quite then , so I’m think any tire before around windows 95 and up
Chips challenge had a windows 95 version and it looked almost identical to the rodent game you said you remembered.
Regardless you should still play Chip’s Challenge.
Don’t tell me how to live my life
Your loss. That game defined my childhood.
That’s it I have wondered about game forever
This is a classic. Thanks for reminding me about it.
Found a link. I’m on mobile so I can’t test it:
This could be Incredible Machine maybe?
Pour one out for Spy Mouse. It came out when the iPad launched and it was great. But EA never updated it and it left the store years ago.
Spy Mouse was a great game.
Might not be the one you were thinking though
Last time I tried this, on Android, it was miserable. Here’s hoping that version isn’t a mess and you can actually play it. Months and months of updates and work has surely made it less of a janky mess, right?
Edit: someone found a version on Google Play, but I was definitely talking about an open source version on GitHub. Wanted to make a distinction in case someone thought for whatever reason I was talking about some shitty nostalgia bait mobile port.
I’ve just installed it, and it runs just fine on my PC
As per the source code, that was probably from here given that is where the source code for this Linux port lives.
Get yourself an Ambernic RG353M, install ArkOS on it, use Postmaster to install Space Cadet pinball.
Congratulations, now you can play this whenever you want on a device that fits in your front pocket.
Checkout for a list of computer games you can have in your front pocket.
Congratulations, now you can play this whenever you want on a device that fits in your front pocket.
Like on a phone?
What about balatro, stardew valley, half-life?
This can do a lot more than phones. Take a look at port
This is fucking awesome. The handhelds that have came out in the last few years just blows my mind. Where was this shit when I was a kid!?
Do you recommend the rg353m? What do you think of the rg35xx h? They look almost the same
There is even a web browser port:
This is awesome, so many memories flooding back.
Has anyone tried the Android APK?
Just found this on a whim!
I’m mad now.
There is an actual port on github: