Is it true that he can still run for the office even if he’s in jail?
Is it true that he can still run for the office even if he’s in jail?
Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1920 while he was serving time for “sedition”(he had been making anti-war and anti-draft speeches during World War I). It’s certainly possible, though incredibly doubtful he’d win. I find that I can’t really count anything out when it comes to Trump, though.
The biggest threat to Trump if he does go to jail is he will lose airtime and will be up to his merry band of lickspittles to try to drum up interest, and interesting they are not.
He can spend the time (ghost) writing his book about how unfair the fake news media is toward him. He could literally title it “My Struggle” and his base still wouldn’t get it.
Happy cake day!!
Also thank you for the reply
If you ever dive into the filth that is r/conservative, you’ll see that this has just reenforced their views that he needs to win and they need to do anything to make that happen…I don’t think there’s anything that could snap that cult out of it at this point
Is it true that he can still run for the office even if he’s in jail?
The presumption is normally the people wouldn’t vote for a criminal let alone one that’s in jail.
Who would have thought this would be a hell of a presumption in this day and age
I think it was ABC that just showed a poll saying 15% of independents would be more likely to vote for Trump if he’s a convicted felon, 8% less likely, and 74% indifferent.
So uh, at least amongst independent voters, no, apparently being a felon does not matter that much.
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If you want to inflict damage on yourself you can check the meltdown on patriots dot win. It’s funny and sad all at once.
I expected nothing and I’m still disappointed
I’m just here for the history. On to sentencing!
July 11
Really that’s so damn far.
Yet, before the Republican National Convention. Where they are set to officially choose their presidential candidate.
I feel like somehow this is just going to drive more campaign contributions and win over those who are brainwashed, netting him a boost in the polls, but I guess time will tell.
There is no chance for him to go to jail. Such sentencing will be appealed to Supreme Court and you know what will happen next.
He’s unlikely to go to gaol for this particular set of crimes even without getting special treatment. He’d be looking at a maximum of 4 years (per count, but I suspect those would probably be served concurrently), but as another article about the subject said:
But Trump is unlikely to be sentenced to prison, experts say. He is a first-time offender, and the crime he has been found guilty of is a non-violent paper crime.
He is a first-time offender, and the crime he has been found guilty of is a non-violent paper crime.
Right, first time non-violent felon, like Michael Cohen.
Or his CFO, who is currently serving his 2nd sentence in Rikers to protect “the boss”.
I was not expecting that. Trump continues to shock.