Anyone remember Ringback Tones?
Why pay money to hear music when someone calls you when you can pay money to make someone who
botherscalls you hear shitty music?I was never cool enough to have them, but I always thought they were neat lol
“Please enjoy the music while your party is reached” followed by the audio equivalent of a jpeg
I do now
I paid for that crap. Had a friend call me to listen to some song. Had to convince him that it does not cost anything as long as I don’t pickup.
Im still rocking the Kim Possible ring tone
What’s the sitch?
Man that’s crazy (frog)
Me paying 10$ for a terrible Time Crisis port on the Motorola razor
Aw damn, I accidentally avacado toast, now I will never afford a home
Millenials lol
I am the firestarter! boooweeeeow
Ok this is embarrassing but as an old person, how does one get ringtones on an iphone when I only use streaming music services so can’t use an itunes library?
In the iTunes app click the [… More] on the bottom right and select Tones. To set them open the settings app > sounds & haptics > ringtone (there’s also a link to the tones store in there)
There’s also a ton of apps/websites where you can download a larger variety and even make your own, like Zedge (searching ‘ringtone’ in the app store finds a ton)
the iTunes Store app on your iPhone should let you buy ringtones! in the … /More menu at the bottom, then “Tones”.
edit: good god the selection there is bottom of the barrel. good luck!
There’s also a way to do it for free but it takes like 5ish minutes rather than a few seconds. It involves using the garage band app so you can probably find a tutorial on YouTube. Otherwise, just follow what everyone else has been saying to but it if you don’t wanna do that.
I discovered phone hacking with my first phone because the T-Mobile version of the Sidekick in the US was hot garbage when it came to the openness that originally led me to want the device in the first place. I was never willing to pay for something I could have easily downloaded/uploaded to my phone for free.
Oh man, I was the first kid on my block to figure out how to replace a rigntone file with whatever that program was. Felt like a legit haxor until everyone else realized how easy it was.
I have one criteria for my ringtones; is it a banger? Bangers only for when I get a call.
A little flex, but I just uploaded the songs with some random free programs. Spent too much time personalizing the notifications when it was often on vibrate when in public.
This reminds me of a Value Select short lol
I own property, and I’m 33. You can get there if you want it. I had to go back to school at 29 to start a new career, but it was worth it to put myself in a good financial position.
Do you own property or does your bank?:)
Not everyone is in a position to go back to school and start a new career, even if they wanted to. Of course, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try, but ‘try’ does not mean ‘succeed’ even when you do everything right (which nobody does)
I love this. You knew what you had to do to get what you wanted, and you went out there and did it.