why does it say 2056 when this is already happening in 2024
For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium, for whom a thousand souls die every day, for whom blood is drunk and flesh eaten. Human blood and human flesh – the stuff of which the Imperium is made.
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When the American populace as a whole is brainwashed into believing the only choices are red and blue, you have to accept that whining about it and voting green (or not voting) is going to accomplish nothing.
So make your colorful allegory and feel good about yourself on the internet. In the end, you are accomplishing less than the people you look down on who recognize the shitty reality of our situation.
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Being self righteous about doing nothing is worse.
Despite your own brand of defeatism in insisting the outcome is the same no matter what, one side actually is better. Even if the metric of “better” pales on the grand scheme of what we deserve or should be doing.
I’m not trying to project self-righteousness by recognizing that there are only two real choices. I’m asserting that advocating non-action or pointless action is such a tired trope that what you’re doing is circlejerking for dopamine instead of applying what little influence you have as an individual to work toward the avoiding the actual worst outcome.
Voting for the slightly less shit option makes it easier for the things we do in parallel to have a positive impact: direct action doesn’t get slowed down much by voting once a year or so.
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What would be the alternative
Shoot them
We’re allowed to kill Abe Lincoln and JFK, why aren’t we allowed to kill these guys? Why does Reagan get plot armor out of all the presidents? Who wrote this shit?
You have a very twisted view of the world. No one was “allowed” to shoot Abe Lincoln or JFK. It was very much not allowed, but murderers don’t usually care about what’s allowed and do it anyway.
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Sorry; what would be the alternative NOW?!?
I don’t see all that happening before it’s time to vote, so isn’t what you’re saying now a bit of a distraction from the very real risk to the stability of the country?
so suppose you let trump win to spite the dnc. then what? what are you going to tell all the people whose rights are being taken away?
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“If there were enough people who cared about trans lives to actually change the outcome of the election, you wouldn’t need the law to protect them – you could just make them do it.”
Please God tell me I’m misreading this.
Remember the good old days when we got to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich?
But Slightly More Rotting Corpse has the better environmental policy which we’ll need before the last remnant of Florida is fully swallowed by the sea in the next 4 years.
Biden should be the last time the Democrats put forward a senile old man as their presidential nominee. Even if he wins this election, there will be another one to fight in 4 years time and the fash might not lose again.
It should be the last time they put a candidate that nobody wants. Remember 2016? They don’t.
That’s not totally true, it’s just who the ownership class wants. They’re the only real people anyway, we’re all just labor.
Da, comrade.
I’m concerned about the less rotted corpse employing living humans. Sounds like nepotism to me.
You discriminating against the dead? Lifeism enabler!
MY rotting corpse just has some stiff joints, that’s all.
Your CIS corpse does not conform to my reanimation identity.
Obnoxious, lying, seditious, narcissistic, rotting corpse vs. tired, confused, rotting corpse.
You forgot felon and rapist for the first one
Ah, so I did. Not sure how I managed that, considering how relevant those points should be here.
“Rotting” is a state that won’t last past the middle 30s. By 2056 they’ll be fully decomposed.
fixed it
A friend of mine just sent me a Facebook link that says that decomposed candidate #2 was caught taking bribes from corporations … and that they’re a communist.
They both start with C, so it sounds legit.
I suppose that you prefer russian, north korean or iranian presidential debate more.
idk man at least their dictators are somewhat competent rulers
Russian presidential debate:
Soon we will all be speaking Russian.
Not so soon. Only if Putin looses power and coalition of Pirate Party, Communist Party and maybe Russia of the future(if they will survive) gains it. And maybe 20-50 years to restore from Putin.
Are you special?
I’ll take that as a yes.
Glad to see things will improve in the US!
You forgot the orange spray paint.