I mean - they’re just being more honest about it than EA and Activision.
Unfortunately they’re always chasing the next thing. I think they didn’t have faith that the video game industry would stay strong and instead believed people would focus on playing mobile games. The reality is there’s room for both kinds of players, but Konami knows people will always gamble. To be fair, they’re still making games, but not really pushing the envelope or leading anymore.
“So many IPs to kill. But you know what would be even better?”
“Buying Hudson and killing off their IPs too!” evil laughter
Same exact thing happened to Bally Williams :-(
Konami has been in the casino business for about as long as it’s been in the video gaming industry.
Exactly. They aren’t big enough to do both separately?
It makes me think of Bethesda. I don’t understand why, but they act like they can only make one game at a time. So like if they’re busy making a Fallout game, then they can’t possibly begin on an Elder Scrolls game.
They act like some tiny studio and they don’t have the resources to have multiple studios working on multiple things concurrently. So their games will take forever to be released. And even then, the games will be buggy as hell.
SegaSammy glances around nervously
Exploiting people will always be more profitable then making art.
Konami is Konami and Konami is the worst.
Ehhhhh, are you sure? There’s also EA, and Ubisoft, and Activision lately. Probably plenty of others. TenCent?
Difficult to say who’s the worst.
It’s a Jim Stephanie Sterling quote
“Fuck Konami, because Konami is the worst”
At least we have Kojima Productions instead, now. Loved a lot of what was in Death Stranding. Truly different from a lot of other games. Kind of like Journey, but without actually seeing any other players.
At least we have Kojima Productions
100%. I’d do horrible things to get Team Silent back together and in their own studio.
I’m out of the loop. What?
Konami is a pachinko company first now. Most of their best IP have been left to languish and when releases do come, they’re awful and tonally completely different from what made their predecessors amazing.
Ok well… That’s sad. 🙁
You see Konami slot machines all over Vegas… and a big Konami building as you go down the runway after landing too… (but none if this is particularly new)