Moloch is just like us. He will make the hard choices to reduce the sacrifice burden for the middle classes.
I wonder when liberals will finally start organizing with Leftists outside the confines of Dem v Rep duopoly electoralism. Given that Reform is impossible, that leaves us with Revolution.
When they stop being liberals
Liberals will march with fascists before thinking about looking left
Macron’s already on that
Ranked choice has been gathering some traction.
Even on the minor, basest of chances it gains enough traction to make a tangible difference despite both parties working against it, how could a Socialist party make meaningful change without the other apparatus of the State like the military and legislative branches getting in the way?
Allende taught us what relying on electoralism will get you, even if you win.
I’m not sure the problem is the electoral system so much as it is the people who vote.
I’m not saying that voting is bad, but even if you tore down the system and replaced it overnight with something better, it’s not gonna change the way people vote. They still vote in neoliberals and conservatives and fascists.
People on the left will have more options further left, but people on the right will have more options further right.
Fixing the electoral system is still a thing to strive for, and it’ll be a positive change; just temper your expectations
Those are called checks and balances, and are there to make sure power is distributed. It’s good that you need buy in from lots of different people.
You don’t want to make a system where a few people can go drastically against the will of most people. So you’d first need to build wide support across the majority of the country or state. That’s the whole point of democracy.
Those are called checks and balances, and are there to make sure power is distributed. It’s good that you need buy in from lots of different people.
Not quite. They are designed so that any genuine threat to Capitalist profits can be stalled out.
You don’t want to make a system where a few people can go drastically against the will of most people.
That’s what America already is and has been since its inception.
So you’d first need to build wide support across the majority of the country or state. That’s the whole point of democracy.
America is not a functional democracy, and needs to be overthrown and replaced with a functional democracy. The State needs to be entirely smashed and a new one built on top of the ashes.
One of the features of a functioning democracy would be ranked choice voting, or something like it, right? So I’d hope we could agree that that would be a good place to start.
As for other factors, what other sort of inherent structural issues to the system do you see, other than that the people currently in those balancing positions don’t agree with you?
One of the features of a functioning democracy would be ranked choice voting, or something like it, right? So I’d hope we could agree that that would be a good place to start.
We have very little chance of getting that just by trying to vibe it into existence, and even if we got it it wouldn’t suddenly mean that parties would cease accountability to the ultra-wealthy donors.
As for other factors, what other sort of inherent structural issues to the system do you see, other than that the people currently in those balancing positions don’t agree with you?
Outside of the fact that Capitalism will always mean the interests of Capital, not people, are going to be represented, there exists no real direct line from the workplace to the region to parliament, the will of the masses is not upheld because the masses do not have democratic participation that matters outside of local elections. The entire system needs to be restructured.
interests of Capital, not people, are going to be represented
Though campaign donations for advertising? Or bribery?
no real direct line from the workplace to the region to parliament
Why do you think voting in national elections doesn’t matter?
bOtH sIdEs
to “both sides” something there first have to be 2 different sides, not two right wings of the fucking bird in nazi insignias.
When presented with the choice between the arsonist who wants to burn your house down slowly vs the arsonist who wants to burn your house down quickly, choose the arsonist who wants to burn your house down slowly, so you have more opportunities to escape or mitigate the damage.
what if we shoot the arsonists 🤔
I mean… It might make the other arsonist think twice.
But it might also just make the arsonists shoot all the firefighters and then set the whole town on fire.
I think my analogy is passing the bounds of its usefulness 😅
I dont disagree, if voting in amerikkka didnt involve doxing urself and i lived in a state where it made a difference and i had nothing better to do that day i would vote for the dems, but they are both arsonist and both want to burn ur house down, they are on the same side and only disagree in matters of detail.
The detail/degree matters.
Its crazy to prefer the speedy arsonist, or to leave the decision up to other arsonists, when you and your family are in the housechoose the arsonist who wants to burn your house down slowly, so you have more opportunities to escape or mitigate the damage.
Except the dems refuse to be pushed left and constantly move right so really you’re just gonna die a slower death. I’d rather go out waving my middle finger at both arsonists
But you’re waving while standing inside the burning house where they can’t see you. Your protest just makes it more likely that the speedy arsonist gets the chance, and does nothing to harm either of the arsonists.
Yes I agree, my finger waving is just for me, it’s to make me feel better while I die because I have no other option.
As I said in my last comment, the slow arsonist (dems) have repeatedly demonstrated and continue to demonstrate that they will never move left and will only move right so that means that even if they are the slower arsonists I still have no opportunity to “escape or mitigate the damage.” as you put it because the dems are working their hardest to block all of those opportunities and refuse to ever open those opportunities to the country.
We’re all fucked
i could copy my entire last response to u here again and it would be equally valid, because u have said literally nothing that u didnt already say and that i didnt already respond to, to safe myself the annoyance how about u just read it again untill u get it.
Your priorities just make no sense to me.
Yes both parties are bad, but voting for one is voting for more opportunities to save yourself.
The decision to prioritize giving them the middle finger where nobody can see it over helping yourself is something I can’t get my head around. Your resistance does nothing but help the speedy arsonist.It feels like you’re just listing off talking points to score cool points with a bunch of Lemmy edgelords.
dude did u even fucking read my comment can u even read, should i even be writing this, i literally said that i dont disagree that the dems are marginally better and that if it made a difference i would vote for them. BUT that doesnt change the fuck that they are both on the same fucking side they both serve capital they both love genocide they both want to murder brown people neither gives a shit about u. 2 fucking things can be true at once and hopefully u arent too fucking brain dead yet to understand that. like holy fuck dude u said the exact same meaningless dribble 3 fucking comments in a row.
maybe u should stop fucking campaigning for genocide joes sidekick, and start spending ur time doing something that would actually make a difference, maybe (to use ur shit analogy) u should start organizing an anti arsonist watch, instead of going around trying to convince people to vote for the less bad arsonist, like vote for the dems if it matters in ur state but fuck ur time cant possibly be worth so little that u would spend it trying to convince people to vote the dems.
Not sacrificing your children to Baal is throwing your vote away
If you choose to do anything but sacrifice your childeen to Moloch then you are by extension choosing to sacrifice your children Baal!
I would - but what children?
All have already been sacrificed to “the economy and profits”, we are waiting for people to be born to immediately sacrifice them bcs we are so much indebted to the great “the economy and profits”.All hail “the economy and profits”, may it’s economy enslave us, and it’s profits get redistributed away from us.
For the last couple centuries, Moloch has largely been a metaphor for “the economy and profits”.
I’m more of a Mephisto guy myself, but it never hurts to run Baal.
Well, Mephisto is not on the ballot so that would just be throwing away your vote
This is awesome and exact representation of Trump and Harris, lol. Or Abrahamic religions for that matter. I’m downloading this for my whapp status for my sweet removed dumbfuck latent fascist colleagues. ❤️
trump/harris campaign
(or trump-harris from now on?
she did say she’d be open to a republican in her cabinet
I wish elections were based on memes
Like some sort of inside joke.
As a lifelong Baal voter I am now voting for Moloch. How can anyone with a conscience still vote for Baal after he was convicted of sacrificing adults?
Oh, you’re seriously gonna pretend that moloch is better than baal is??? The hellfire demons eating civilians at random would be soo much worse if moloch were running things.
- Voting third party (i don’t care if jesus promised to end the hellfire demons, his party won’t win, and is just a spoiler for the baal vote) - a vote for moloch.
- Not prefacing a criticism of baal’s administration (cmon, we all know he realistically can’t stop the hellfire demons) without first saying you’ll vote for him? Also a vote for moloch.
- Not voting - a vote for moloch.
- Going to the bathroom? Believe it or not, also a vote for moloch.
Which one is for bringing the genocide home?
Both. Moloch and Ball will not hesitate.