i hate to be that guy but that is an icosahedron
Emotional support icosahedron…
Aperture science has stepped up their game
Handy mnemonic, just learn greek.
Dodeca - δοδεκα - twelve
Icosa - είκοσι - twenty
It’s a d20 for really tough campaigns.
Yeah when you get a crit you just chuck it at the DM’s face as hard as you can.
How else will he roll for initiative when the snakes drop?
Why was the flight going straight up? You flying to the moon or something?
Going straight up is actually a really inefficient way to get to orbit(and subsequently the moon) so the flight’s goals are beyond the understanding of modern science
Wow, I’m so lucky that the app Im using finally fixes the sideways photos. Because I feel like that’s what we’re talking about here
I think they’re referencing the phrase “flight straight up” and joking that the flight was going “straight up” in the air and not a modifier akin to “really and truly”.
That’s wild your app was displaying photos sideways. 🥴
Lmao I didn’t even notice the meme text. I’m really the embodiment of your emoji 🥴🥴🥴
Haha, I get it
You had best be glad is was unmarked. If he tripped and rolled a 1 no one would have ever seen this picture.
I’m more concerned that he’s sitting next to Bigfoot.
that’s a lickable cocaine. It’s what’s hot right now.
Now instead of plain it’s plane
I didn’t know white engrams dropped in Destiny?
Hands off the dodecalicious!
I bet the security line was fun