Imagine if everyone who made this kind of post, made a post on their fav niche sub instead.
literally this. i see a lot of mods of niche communities working their ass off trying to generate content with 0 help, including me. and all people do is complain that they aren’t doing enough, it’s not active enough, while doing nothing to help it grow.
be the change you want to see. contribute to your communities, especially niche ones.
I would like to do this but I’m basically a waste of space, and not really capable of either thought provoking questions or funny/engaging content for the things I want to be part of. I can engage with others, but I’m not unique or creative enough for starting the conversation (same in person actually).
I know this because I tried several times many years ago to run my own Facebook pages for… well I tried various things and got very little engagement on any of it when Facebook pages were peak social media.
I know random facts about random science things that most people don’t understand (I probably don’t either, but I think I do!), but nothing that would actually grow any of the communities I’d like to see grow.
So while it is exactly that easy, it’s not necessarily that easy.
Honestly, even just making lame comments and upvoting is helpful. It shows the people creating things that what they are doing is working which will encourage them and others to post more.
And this is what I do (though I try to add to the conversation mostly), I’ve even started upvoting actual posts if I read them and learned or whatever, which is something I only did on reddit when sorting by new. The new habits are super difficult.
I’ve been way way more active here in way more diverse places than I maybe should be (I usually browse -all- right now to sub/block communities, and chime in on a ton of posts I don’t sub) so I hope it helps the posters, and I know it helps the statistics, but it isn’t the same as raw new content.
Fwiw, I’m not even deleting my comments every other day like I did on reddit. I know the content on fedi comes up randomly because sort bugs now and then so I’m being more careful about what I comment and leaving almost all of it completely intact. It’s very very difficult to do that 😅 I interact while intoxicated and am a ball of anxiety, and those don’t mix well. Purging my interactions was catharsis.
That’s what I keep telling myself
Post links and the discussion will come if the community has even just a few subscribers.
This dude has done a lot to populate the community he’s promoting with content. He’s the only contributor so far
Joke’s on you! This is a post with the logo from my favorite niche sub.
I told my friend about your community. Also the whole infosec instance since he does infosec, and that seems like it might be a good local feed… idk if it’s up his alley, but hopefully!
It’s well beyond me, sadly :(
Thanks! I’m hoping to build a community of benevolent, thoughtful people who want to discuss technologies and their applications toward the betterment of humanity in the future.
Ps. I welcome all people and all experiences. I even welcome haters.
You don’t need to be a coder to belong to this community. It might just teach you something about protecting yourself in the future.
Solarpunk for tech? I dig it. I followed the community, you seem to really care about it, and while I don’t understand a lot of what you posted, I dig it.
I’ll try to participate when I can, but I can’t promise a whole lot. :)
🤘🏽🤘🏽You are awesome🤘🏽🤘🏽
No pressure! I have so many more links and ideas to share. The fediverse is the perfect place for this kind of idealogical shift. If we can co-opt the tribalist information delivery mechanisms of mainstream media and centralized social media, we have a chance to provide people with the knowledge they need to become better, more prepared citizens of the world.
I look forward to it!
I hope you are prepared for very noob questions cuz ima probs throw some at you, it being what I know.
I’m a science and tech communicator by training (drastically underemployed as tech customer service, but if someone would just give me documentation to do, damn…) so no dummy; don’t know shit about software dev/coding but I learn very well. :)
Have a wonderful day/night! Bed I go.
Ugh. Fine. The whole concept is very idealistic. But I subscribed any way, because your right. I might learn a thing.
Perhaps the cynical side of me would argue that you have to start from a place of righteous idealism and work your way backward. I’m old enough to know that nothing much will change but I’m also tech savvy enough to realize that we’re in the golden age of being able to create open source tools and software that enable more freedom and safety from tyranny than any other time in history.
Also, I’d appreciate someone who wants to play devil’s advocate. I’m often overly exuberant about ideas and I need someone to tell me what I’m missing.
Electronics/maker stuff welcome?
Of course!..especially as it pertains to decentralized exchange of information and grass-roots activisim and legal civil disobedience. I can, for example, think of many applications for LoRa with regard to darknet nodes, etc.
Awesome! I’m clawing back more time from work and working towards some open source hardware and software stuff. Will be fun to post once I have things underway. Mostly, I’m aiming at free and open FPGA libraries and actually useful AR/mobile computing stuff that fits in with the positive technological side of cyberpunk, rather than the dystopian. Absolutely want to dig into doing LoRa at some point as well, myself.
EDIT: Just realized that I misread the community name but, I’m still into it.
You should look into RISC-V as well. Someone posted something about a formally-verified OS that runs on an fpga emulation of risc v. it’s called lion. Super interesting stuff and some among us figure it could be a foundation for an end-to-end formally verified machine. Perhaps virtually zero attack surface area…
Wouldn’t fix the problem, the reality is that we’re not many enough. We could grow tenfold and still not be many enough.
You are right. Back to Reddit…we tried.
Imma growin’ as hard as I can 🌱
Finally! An ebikes community on Lemmy.
! might be interested in those.
Im a shower, not a grower. Kindly with the patience pls
Post y’all. Everybody’s still sorting by new and new comments. Now’s the time to make it happen.
! - please post your hummingbird pics
Indeed. Come on ! 🤞
Feel this. I’ve slowly gathered a more people than I expected (~60) on an ‘idlehands’ community for fidgets and skill toys, and I’m now hoping they migrate with me over to a new instance since I expect the .ml issue will be a problem (if not this time, going forward)
So, if anyone likes seeing fidgets and skill toys (begleri, chetki, knucklebones, yo-yos, etc) feel free to join over at: ! :)
I feel that!
Let’s go
If y’all haven’t already definitely post your communities in !
Could we get some loving for all things !
Thanks for linking this! I’m subbed to a few other OSRS instances and it doesn’t seem like there’s a consolidated lemmy forum quite yet
A community I created for the discussion of hardcore punk.
r/hardcore is the only subreddit I miss, as it was pretty much the only subreddit with a soul. Working on rebuilding a similar community on lemmy. We’re growing, I think we’re the biggest hardcore community on Lemmy, but these lazy mfs don’t post anything lol.
If you wanna discuss hardcore, post your band’s music, post info about a show, link to resources for finding shows, link to your band’s merch store, feel free to subscribe! I’m a big fan of the DIY mentality in music, so if you’ve got something, share it mother fucker!
I posted a link to legendary hardcore punk band, Dag Nasty. 🤘🏽
I noticed! I appreciate it! I subscribed to, but the posts aren’t loading for me for some reason :/ I checked and it looks like is linked with, so not sure what’s going on there.
I’ll check back in a day or two to see if anything has changed. The sidebar makes me think that it’s a community I would greatly enjoy. I’ve been considering writing some guides on a few things cypherpunk related, and that seems like a good place to post them.
Usually a reload does the trick. That’s a lemmy thing. is rock solid and reliable.
Oh, yep, there it goes! I can see the posts now! Thanks for the tip, I think it’s still federating, every time I reload more posts appear lol.
No problem.
🤖bleep bloop 🤖 bleep bloop 🤖
Just as I said that, they went down.
Decentralized identity to the rescue.
Oh hell yeah. Thanks for starting it / sharing!
No problem!
I’m doing my best with ! and ! help me out please!
subbed. ;)
Thank you fellow lemmur!
@cyph3rPunk, what niche community?
Entertain me!
Do that thing Rita from Power Rangers did to her monsters.
Idk usually shouting “make my monster grow” in a public space is frowned upon.
😂I wonder how many people here even get that reference (beside you and I).😂