“Do you have a source?” means, “I already know you are wrong but you won’t believe me unless you find out for yourself.”
I’ve already had people demand “source?” for the most mundane facts. Why yes steroids do enhance physical ability.
Read the comment above yours, that’s where I learned about it
this guy showed up with receipts
Removed by mod
Spoken like someone who’s never experienced the ancient healing frequencies :p
Average YouTube influencer for me.
It’s gotten even worse in the past year. Most of them sound like they’re parroting AI summaries of blog posts and sprinkling stupid ass cutaway gags to memes. Like rather than actually consuming the entire body of context around a subject and having an informed take, they’re just giving shadow thoughts and trying to monetize.
Any YouTuber whose whole angle is to spicy commentary on current events in tech/programming is definitely part of the trash heap.
Problem here is you’re watching “influencers.”
birds used to be real
Source? Because that’s so not true. Birds are an invention by the government, they are robots to spy on us. The government wants us to believe they always existed. It’s all fabricated lies created by the government. Source
I fucking hate newsletter emails but this is the only site I registered for one. I’m launching my ass off every single time. 😂 I love satire haha
And they had arms
Obviously, that’s what the “arms race” refers to. Birds used to have very strong arms which they used while racing in their super-fast arm bikes.
It’s gotten to a point where I just go ahead append a warning that I have no source and am just making casual conversation.
Source: my previous comment on Lemmy.
Family Member: Russia needs to invade Ukraine because they need a shield against NATO.
Me: But NATO wasn’t going to attack them. It’s a defensive organization.
That’s what THEY want you to believe. (Was not able to clarify who “they” were during conversation, but got the impression it wasn’t nato)
Even if you believe Russia to be 100% in the wrong, the idea that NATO is a defensive organization is laughable. Not only has it historically been led by Nazis, the member-states are the most imperialist countries on the planet. It serves to protect an inherently violent status quo of brutal looting and exploitation of the Global South, and that’s without getting into aggressive operations from NATO.
Russia is a terrorist shithole and the US is an even worse terrorist shithole. Doesn’t mean that NATO is invading anyone or that Moskovya isn’t.
I never said Russia didn’t invade Ukraine, my point is specifically that calling NATO a “defensive alliance” despite it’s sole purpose being maintenance of Western Imperialism is laughable. People who understand ACAB but defend NATO as “purely defensive” have an inability to understand imperialism.
My comment has been deleted for no reason. Enjoy.
Probably your ableist username.
It’s also hypocritical. NATO is willing to allow Ukraine to join, but not Russia:
The archives show irrefutably that the U.S. and German governments repeatedly promised to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move “one inch eastward” when the Soviet Union disbanded the Warsaw Pact military alliance. Nonetheless, U.S. planning for NATO expansion began early in the 1990s, well before Vladimir Putin was Russia’s president. In 1997, national security expert Zbigniew Brzezinski spelled out the NATO expansion timeline with remarkable precision.
Yep. After the USSR was murdered and the State sliced up and sold for spare parts to the Imperialist bourgeoisie in the west, there was a nationalist bourgeoisie that regained control of the Russian Federation’s resources and industry, and the West never forgave them for that. That’s why Russia is a far-right dystopia in many ways, but unlike far-right dystopias allies to the US Empire, the Russian Federation is depicted in a negative light exclusively in western Media, unlike Saudi Arabia, Israel, Argentina, etc.
deleted by creator
What do you believe happened? It’s pretty clear that right up until it’s dissolution, the majority of the public had no idea it was going to collapse, nor did they want to replace Socialism with Capitalism. The majority of ex-soviets still claim it was better under Socialism than it is under Capitalism.
What the actual hell
Which part?
The USSR was not murdered, it fell apart after decades of internal mismanagement and multiple leaders who were more invested in swinging their dicks around than feeding their people and dealing with the timebomb of internal ethnic tensions.
countries were already breaking away before the ‘death’ knell, they had been forcibly absorbed into a warmongering empire and wanted no further part in it.
reports of ‘people thought communism was better’ are not a trite thing to fling around, it’s a complex issue of fear of change, fuck capitalism live to work ideology, and people from a handful of very select countries who were perched very parasitically on the top of a heap to the absolute detriment of others getting butthurt at losing that position. There is a reason why no formerly occupied country wants to return to the USSR
Not really true. Up to the end, the Soviets were well-fed, there were genuine issues but it was fine. The Economy was slowing down, and the Soviets were still largely planning by hand, which failed to scale well with increasing production, but necessities were more than covered. The system was working, if slowing.
A few SRs had rising nationalist movements towards the end, but up until the very end the vast majority voted to retain membership in the USSR. It wasn’t until afterwards that it began to be murdered from the top, from the botched coup, to the change in leadership roles that allowed for conflicts within what was supposed to be a centralized system.
Wealth disparity was far lower in the USSR than in post-soviet countries.
On top of this, the majority wished to retain Socialism and want to go back. I don’t “fling it around lightly,” this is a well-documented phenomenon, Capitalism is worse than Socialism for post-soviet countries. The USSR also wasn’t an Empire, nor was it warmongering, it materially supported anticolonial and anti-imperialist movements the world over.
- The USSR was not dissolved by Lenin or the other bolsheviks who founded it, lmao. This is absurd.
Its behind a paywall can you copy paste?
Let’s not vilify people asking for citations. With AI it’s more important than ever to verify what you’re reading.
Source please
I’m absolutely okay with vilifying people asking for sources on the historical existence of snow.
The historical existence of snow depends on where you’re talking about. Climate is changing but not every manifestation of that will cause less snow. It’s possible some places start getting more as rising temperatures create more moisture in the air in places that are historically cold and dry. For example, parts of the mountains here in Nevada had unusually high snowfall, like Lee’s Canyon While looking at (what appears to be) the historical data for the US overall doesn’t seem to show a significant deviation at a cursory glance.
Saying these things are obviously true while not bothering to check if they’re factually accurate is misrepresenting the problem and leaves openings for climate denialists to make themselves more credible. “You said snowfall was going down but it just saw record snowfall in the news!” Which is a bad argument but a convincing one to people who aren’t inclined to deal with a global apocalyptic problem.
I’m talking about the fact that it ever happened, at all, anywhere. In this sense and in this spirit that I say “the historical existence of snow.” It’s not about a particular place or amount.
This is Puerto Rican erasure.
Pretty bold comment for someone with no sources.
Sealioning is not about citations. It’s bad-faith harassment.
Bad faith only works because it resembles good faith. Calling it out is not somehow a condemnation of good faith.
I’ve definitely noticed people who challenge anything you say by asking for a source, but make tons of unsourced claims themselves.
Sealion infestations are problematic. Be sure to call your local exterminator promptly whenever you encounter one.
Where’s your source for this? I’ve never noticed it so it must not be happening
“My source is that I MADE IT THE FUCK UP”
- President of the USA (probably in a videogame)
Guilty. Show me the almanac. I don’t trust nobody on the internet. Everybody speaks like they’re an expert.
I’m an expert on internets and this guy is wrong.
Ask the dragon
Can confirm: am expert at experting.
If somebody would ask for a source it would already be a big improvement. Usually you are just classified as idiot if you dare to have a different view.
Eh. By now I’m pretty sure most people just interact with the internet in order to reconfirm their already held beliefs because they expect the algorithm to give them exactly what they want and a few “wrong” things to dunk on easily for bonus points.
They don’t need sources they are already right.
“The sky is blue”
“No stupid that’s woke liberal propaganda Trump 2024”
What, you’re saying that the sky is owned by democrats now? Give sources, cause my sky is Republican Red! /S
(Infuriating TikTok voice:) “These red states are putting atmospheric additives in their coal plants to turn the sky red! Wow!”
There are clips out there of FOX news saying “if global warning is real, then why is there a blizzard?!”
Republicans have a hard time understanding nonliterals, it’s honestly weird and one of the most common denominators between them I’ve noticed
They seem to be fine with euphemisms and dog whistles.
Maybe willfully ignorant is a better way to put it
Weird to think that human civilization will collapse out of a misplaced sense of fairness where we think it’s better for uninformed people to have a choice even if that choice dooms us all. Liberalism is going to collapse in the silliest way
The goal should be to have less uninformed people overall by educating the population. But unfortunately the people in charge keep voting against funding education (and basically anything beneficial to society).
Capitalism wants an uneducated voter base, we can import educated people for jobs
That is because it’s beneficial to their bottom line.
Weird to think that human civilization will collapse out of a misplaced sense of fairness where we think it’s better for uninformed people to have a choice
Every one who wants something other then what i want is uninformed.
To the uninformed, no representation for you. Get over it. Go to therapy to cope with your new forever.
Yeah when it comes to fascism, climate change denial, failing to meet the basic needs of citizens, and other conservative platforms, I don’t give a shit about their representation
The one on the right is a bearded 8 year old who never saw snow. He has a beard due to micro plastics. He thinks all pictures online of snow are AI generated. He’s also an asshole to everyone and rightfully so because his life and planet has been doomed. Welcome to 2034.
and his willy is 8 inches long but he’s insecure because his ai girlfriend told him its small
70s, 80s and 90s were absolute peak humanity and things like these comments are the proof of that.
True neckbeards are born with it. It’s only the posers that get theirs by injecting PFAS into their balls.
Seriously, though, not fair. Want a way out of this hell.
he’s also adversarial ai
True 💀