Nowadays GNU/Linux is easier to install and maintain than Windows.
Probably gonna keep my desktop running win10 by then because I’ll hopefully have a new desktop by then that I can easily set up Linux on. Got too much on my desktop to move over and I certainly don’t know any tools able to make the process any easier.
Probably gonna just use it as an experimental PC that I can test out server related things on.
I’m adding debian to the drive on a ten plus year old laptop as we speak. It’s taking forever because I have to do part of it manually but usually it takes less than an hour and is mostly idiot proof (my current project is on its 3rd week so I am just a special kind of idiot) but a small lightweight distro alongside the windows partition is an easy way to give old hardware new life without migrating data.
You could just add another hard drive, install Linux on it, than access all your files on the old hard drive exactly where they are.
You think the US govt will let MS drop 2/3rds of US citizens laptops from support?
I think some senators will hold a hearing to grandstand about security and forced obsolescence and MS will be shamed into extending the support window a couple more years.
Meanwhile the US govt:
says nothing because it has its mouth full of corporate cock
Windows 10 is over 10 years old at this point. Microsoft learned from XP It can’t live forever.
Businesses typically lease their machines for 2-3 years so they all support 11. And do you really think the government cares about regular citizens? lol.
i doubt any of the dinosaurs in congress even know what an operating system is
What will the government do themselves? I think they are still running 10, and I haven’t heard of any announcements from agencies switching.
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 has a 10 year support window, and subsequent LTSC versions, 5 years. If you can get your hands on one of these licences you would presumably continue to receive security patches. If the US government is somehow not running on this kind of licence, it would be pretty funny, but I’m sure Microsoft would be lenient and let them jump onto whatever compatible LTSC version given its an American company.
They only switched from XP what, less than 10 years ago?
I think the hospital my mother works at was using XP for all of their computers until like 2018-2019
It’s not learning linux for me; I’ve worked with it professionally for over a decade at this point and started with old distros on floppy at home (with poor success; it got better once I got gentoo and broadband).
The pain of switching is non-zero, but it’s also not high. By this I mean just the process of moving data around, settings, etc.
Finding replacement apps can be annoying.
There are some things that still bother me, though. Certain games still won’t work or aren’t stable. This impacts some people more than others depending upon the type of game. For me, it’s still being gun shy because updates have caused me huge headaches including requiring a reinstall even in fairly recent times. I’ve had to fix one windows update problem in that same period of years and it did not require a full reinstall.
I have a full-time job, house/yard maintenance, and a small farming business. I require reliability with security (so not updating is not an option) and don’t have time to spend diagnosing and solving issues. I also can’t not fulfill orders, etc. because of an issue bother from a customer retention standpoint but also because when selling farm goods, those are mostly fresh produce with a limited TTL.
I have 12 months to reassess things, but I’m not liking my current position. It doesn’t help that a lot of the software for the Japanese side of things (tax office, accounting, etc.) do not have cloud versions and require Windows to work. I’m not sure if any of those work under WINE or similar at this stage.
I’ll be downvoted to hell for saying this. But in this event I think it’s better for you to upgrade to Win 11 or maybe even move to MacOS (mac mini is pretty cheap), though I don’t know if you’ll find your replacement apps.
I use Win for work (no choice there) and Ubuntu at home (just browse the net, and only browser applications).
I use Mac for work and despise it. It also wouldn’t cover the national tax authority and other apps that don’t support mac (though some do support iOS,but those all also support android and not an issue there). They could have sneakily added Mac support whilst I wasn’t looking do I will definitely check again before deciding anything finally.
Steam has a native Linux client that uses a custom version of Wine called Proton. It handles all the emulator settings for you. All the Steam games I bought in Windows run just fine under Linux. And amost all my older, non-Steam games (like Deus Ex or Giants: Citizen Kabuto) work great under Wine.
Alas my game PC is going to stick with Windows due to bad state of VR in Linux :/. And therefore one day it might need to update to Windows 11.
In particular if you have a headset that is not Valve Index, though apparently with Meta Quest one can use ALVR, as long as you get the actual games running.
I tried VR on Windows 11… it lags more than on Windows 10
So I installed the buisness version of Windows 10, which lasts longer afaik
If co-pilot remains active even if you don’t have an NPU, and it consumes GPU/CPU resources and can’t be disabled, and that results in say a 10% gaming performance downgrade compared to Linux (these are a lot of ifs), then I imagine desktop Linux would finally get a big bump in adoption, once all the ‘serious gamers’ start using it purely for performance benefits. We’ll see how this plays out.
People won’t be able to use GPUs anyway because they’ll all be reserved for “AI” use and priced accordingly.
Out of curiosity, are there any hacked versions of Windows with the worst shit gutted available out there?
Check out GhostSpectre. Or just the LTSC versions. Or the enterprise-versions where you can tell it what you want or not.
You can use Win 10 LTSC/LTSB. Much longer support.
Meanwhile, I deleted my Windows partition (even though I paid for it, damn OEM tricks) and feel better for it
“learn Linux”
there is nothing to learn, KDE and GNOME are easy to use GUIs and there are distros that require no configuration
screensharing on discord?
works with browser
don’t use evil proprietary software that doesn’t respect your freedom or privacy, otherwise screen sharing is easy to do on many desktop environments.
Sentiment is fine, but it’s still removing a choice (however misguided, in some people’s views, that is) from the user
All I need is a native, feature complete, Nvidia GeForce Now Linux client. It is literally the only reason I keep a Windows installation around.
Native? Isnt it a web app?
The web app that runs on browsers, Linux, etc., only supports 1080p/60fps. The native client for Windows and Mac can run at high resolution and max settings and fps.
I use O&O ShutUp
Yes, Chris Titus tool did it for me.
Christ Titus the comedian?
Chris Titus the Linux mastermind
Are these the same person or is there two Chris Tituses
I’m so confused :(
Two different people, though not without similarities
I got this joke lol
Edit: the images weren’t showing up for me at first and were just a bunch of numbers so I thought you were making a joke about memory adresses
Most likely an unpopular opinion, but I took this opportunity to try something new and made the switch to macOS at home as my daily device. If I do end up gaming, I’ll probably just get myself a Steam Deck.
You’re already closer to using Linux by doing so. Lots of people are unaware that macOS continues to be Certified UNIX. Many of the command line tools function very similarly to their Linux counterparts.
This is actually why I use macOS at work - I wasn’t able to get a Linux box approved by IT but they happily support macOS and I get to use basically all the same software I do on Linux.
Which ironically also requires you do buy a new device
The irony isn’t lost on me!
After switching to Mac OS I have 0 interest in using Linux on my actual conputer. I still have windows machine for work, and my servers are all Linux. But any machine I want to use is gonna run Mac.
“Learn” linux not even a requirement, a lot of distros work fine as a normal-person-os out of the box (Ubuntu & any of its spin-offs, Manjaro, Deepin, etc), with maybe some minimal youtube/forum troubleshooting, probably comparable with the amount you would do on windows.
I wish this was true, but that’s not the reality. If things are not exactly the same, people lose any common sense they may have had.
Eh, I’d say the biggest learning curve is updates and how they’re generally password protected.
It’s actually not straightforward to a new Linux user how to bypass entering your password every time there are updates, and with how often Linux updates, this can create headaches and confusion for new users.
Especially with coming from Windows and being used to Microsoft arbitrarily forcing updates in the background. They are confused because Microsoft gave them zero control, while Linux actually gives them full control, and that can be confusing when you’re used to updates being forced on you in the background.
Linux expects you to be an adult and handle this shit, and does a lot less hand-holding for the casual user, and this can be overwhelming for some new users, because it’s a lot of extra personal responsibility they formerly didn’t have to think about. Some people just don’t have the extra mental energy to dedicate to it all.
Gnome Software does updates without a password. On my fedora machine, it will even download updates automatically.
KDE Discover does my updates without passwords just fine
deleted by creator
my ostree updates fine
deleted by creator
I’ve used Linux on and off for a long time but I’m stuck with Windows for now because redoing my Plex library would be a huge ball-ache.
Why would switching require redoing your Plex library?
Probably because it’s hosted on a Windows machine.
It’s probably a me problem, but I ran into some issues with the mount points resetting on reboot.
Can’t you export your library / media settings and only have to change file paths or mnt points?
to keep Copilot off your desktop or learn Linux
For me it’s one year to keep Windows Mixed Reality working. I’m still miffed that they pulled the plug with no alternative other than putting my headset in the bin and get a new one…
If you haven’t looked into it Monando might be what you need to keep your headset running. May not work for your headset (doesn’t for mine but mines not WMR and is because of my 8kx’s driver)
I already did back when Microsoft announced they would drop WMR, but it was (and still is) pretty experimental, with no controller support and 6DoF requiring external tracking.