This meme is not a meme, but a real news from Italy 🤦♂️
Fascists: “At least under Mussolini the trains ran on time!”
Italy under (fascist) Meloni:
Say what you will about Mussolini, he does a great salami impression 🙃
The trains did not in fact run on time.
I can assure you that you won’t find an Italian person surprised by this.
Trenitalia is something else, and any commuter that regularly uses their trains can tell you horror stories about their services.
I am Italian. I just wanted to share this crazy news to the world. 😅
I can’t not pronounce that like “genitalia” in my mind.
You’re not the only one.
It’s similar, just with slightly larger tunnels.
Ironically, trains don’t run on time, despite their fame.
except the london underground, that shit comes once ever 3 mins bang on time, I miss it so bad.
except the times I had to use the overground like a fucking chump, that shit’s just national rail with a brand makeover. I had to wait like 20 mins to get on the train to go get laid after work.
worth it though
Ironically, trains don’t run on time, despite their fame.
You understand that that was about fascist Italy, right? And they reality is that they didn’t run on time.
Oh yeah the other things fascists are known for is reasoning and telling the truth
The Japanese, operating the Shinkansen, would commit Seppuku.
This would be better suited for /c/nottheonion
Deutsche Bahn has an evil brother.
deutsche bahn would still be late
DB: the train is late 5 minutes. Actually 20. Actually 45. Actually 97. Actually the train was just cancelled 1 hour ago for no reason, but we were too afraid to tell you because you might get mad 👉🏻👈🏻
they just wanted to save everyone the embarassment of being -40 minutes late to work
How to cover up leaving 10 minutes late!
And Trenitalia blamed the passengers, because many of them received a warning SMS but didn’t drastically change their plans to adapt to the train’s new schedule!
Ma cuanto mi manca Italia…
Were there even any passengers on it at that point
Anyone from a country with Arriva gets this.
What’s Arriva?
Privatized public transit:
Trenitalia is pure gold!