One “s” is all it took to make my day today
The intersection of leftism and Linux. This meme is Lemmy in a nutshell lol
And the reason why the Linuxsucks community exists. Lol
To be clear, I was not complaining lol
Mayhaps, but you can also do this:
sudo chown me /usr/lib
Owned the Libs 👈😎👈
Heh. Nice.
su root
cd ~
chown * root
mv usr/ussr/ usr/gulag/
cd usr/gulag/
touch treason.txt
touch you_and_siberia_and_stalin.txt
chown usr/gulag/ 111
Why’s your
Because that’s the home of root the su command is used to switch user
But “/root” has kinda always been the root user’s home directory, not the root directory
.It hasn’t. That’s a fairly recent (1990’s) innovation.
Root’s home has been
on every distro I’ve ever used ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
777 the entire fs
Hope your server never gets plugged into the Internet
Our server
Not for long with that attitude. See intolerance paradox
after that ur system will run about as well too
(doesn’t ‘usr’ mean ‘universally shared resources’?)
I thought it stood for userspace? Like all the non-kernel-mode applications?