I was a bit taken aback when almost every character in my camp was quick to jump my bones very early on, this explains it.
can they release a bugfix for real life too?
I’ve always wanted to fuck a bear
*Hexbear, watch outOh my god. I literally just made that connection. The druid guy is a bear in EVERY aspect.
Halsin is a muscle-bear, which is a bear, but not the default bear.
I don’t think bg3 had the right body types for traditional bear
That sounds like a mod request haha
There were a lot of people asking for more body-types as early 2020 on the Laian Forums, so I don’t think that we’re getting them without mods.
deleted by creator
The green lizard lady hitting on me was a bit much. Meanwhile the cute cleric girl is a little too into her little goddess to talk to me.
Different strokes for different folks, I let her have her brutal wicked way with me.
She commanded me and I obeyed. It was pretty fucking hot.
I turned the tables with a nat 20 on a DC15 Intimidate roll.
My dude is a Drow so we’re into that 👀👀
So long as there’s consent
Its like highschool all over again
Which part, the green lizard lady or the cute cleric girl? I mean, I know Australia has some gnarly wildlife but didn’t think it was part of the dating pool
Clearly, you’ve never been. 🤪
Listen cunt, we’re not here to fuck spiders.
Minthara, on the other hand, …Eww, this guy will only fuck bipedals and not arthropods, gross! Get with the times caveman!
I’m not a guy. Nor are any of my characters.
My apologies for the incorrect assumption
Just like irl tbh
I can’t unlock the Withers romance arch no matter how hard I don’t try.
Yeah I had to turn down wyll, and it made me super sad because I didn’t like him like that. He’s a good friend but I really wish I could say, “I’d die for you, but because you are my good friend, I don’t like you like that.” Same with Gale. Halsin or Lae’zel are the ones I’m lookin for.
Edit: Oops, not supposed to be a reply, sorry friend.
I read the screen in the background on the left as saying “we (no longer) thrust” at first and was like “that’s really on the nose.”
Vincke literally says it’s a bug
Somewhere at Larian code review: “Whaddya mean hot_for_anal doesn’t control the horizon of threshold for analysis. What else could it… Oh. Ooooh…”
Spoilers ahead, be warned!
The strangest thing by far for me was whenever I went to sleep and this shirtless mindflayer tried to bang me. What the actual fuck was that? I have 0 indication that I was even into you.
I went for the tentacle sex on my evil character (just finished first run!). Totally did not expect what happened to happen but just rolled with it haha.
That’s how I would discribe losing my virginity. Minus the tentacle sex part.
You missed out.
Subconsciously maybe? 😂
Lol maybe dude is literally just like “I showed you my house, pls respon” like bruh I don’t trust you at all
“I’ve been watching you disguised this whole time, pls be mine”
Haha, explore his home and learn about his favourite soup and the next thing you know, you’re lying on a rock next to him and he’s shirtless. Like dude. Maybe that’s why he’s so insistent on having you turn into a mindflayer, needs some tentacle loving.
I had that happen last night and I’m still not ok. My poor tiefling is definitely not going to sleep anytime soon.
and yet Scratch has never once propositioned me
He’s a good boy, not a naughty one.
However if you find the jar of peanut butter in Moonrise tower kitchen… nope this feels wrong, sorry all
due to a bug
*a worm
A tadpole, if you will
I always wondered why Lae’zel wanted to bang, and we never talked much before the Grove. I’m a Shadowheart simp, though, so I turned down the Battle-sex.
My Vengeance Paladin was down for some nightly cardio. Dumped her ass the minute I met Karlach though, Karlach is best girl, 100%
No contest. The nine hells’ve never created better.
That’s good to hear soldier but I’m not sure if I can contain my heat much longer if you say something like this. 🥵
In my next playthrough, I’m creating a Tiefling and climbing that Outlander’s…huge tracks of land.
Save scumming. This is the way.
I experienced the wonky romance implementation both ways. Some, like Lae’zel and (especially) Halsin went from 0-100 in the blink of an eye, which was very annoying.
However, I also got permanently friendzoned by Karlach, Wyll and Astarion because I didn’t take enough Long Rests in Act 1, so important character moments with those three never happened for me. I’ve heard Wyll invites you to dance, but I never got that, nor the night time creeping from Astarion. These moments seem to be required, because I’ve been locked out of all relationship progression with those three characters. I’m at the end of Act 3 now and they’ve not had much to say since the start of Act 2 . Hopefully this has or will be fixed, though.
EDIT: clearer wording.
Is THAT why both laezel and karlach were like “it fizzled” and why my boy wyll won’t pound my demon receptacle? Because that’s a little upsetting
we must of course transmit the wyll to you in a receptacle
My gf got wyll to ask her to dance (well her character) and we’re in Act 2 already so maybe it just takes some time.
My Wyll danced with me near the end of Act 2, as well. The next night Gale got all emo and wanted to watch the stars with me. Y’all are too late I’m a Shart main
Typo or kink?
I finished the game today and it never happened.
If you are not in act 3 yet, go back to act 1 and spam partial rests, most of the events that you skipped will happen.
I was at the door of the final fight as I wrote the comment and finished the game later that day.
And here I am, still trying to get my first smooch from the fiery teddy bear that is karlach.
It’s worth it.
Throw them water! A watter bottle, the create water spell, anything that makes them wet. Ray of frost…
Not sure if sarcastic or actually true. Will try it next time XD
But I will save first
It’s true, when you tell her that you will try something she tells you to do it, to throw her something, and puts a pose as if she were ready to take it. You cna then do it and talk to her to trigger a kiss scene
60 hours from now, just before the final battle
Oh you sweet summer child…
Bug? Or undocumented feature?
Probably an easter egg
Will they release a classic speedrun version for the sex% scene?
Gale and Wyll seemed to be the two that didn’t try to jump my bones right out of the gate, I just seemed to pick the non-saucy options for them I guess. Everyone else is a super-slut and nobody seems to care that I’m hitting on everyone else.
Funny, those are the two I had to hold back with a broom.
Same here! The look on Wyll’s face when I politely turned him down gave RL me 3 points of psychic damage…
For real. I kept saying irl “dude, you’re basically my best friend in this game, but I’m trying to smash Karlach.” I wish there was a “let’s stay friends” option after the dance.
I turned Gale down and then he tried again eventually. No means no dude