That poor mom is going to live with that guilt for the rest of her life. Don’t call cops for help, especially not over mental health concerns. Just don’t. Tragic.
That poor mom is going to live with that guilt for the rest of her life. Don’t call cops for help, especially not over mental health concerns. Just don’t. Tragic.
I’m sure they fucking will. Can’t harvest your data (as readily) if you aren’t online. Fuckers.
Makes sense. I do tend toward the sweetened ones. Appreciate the insight.
Yes, it was the vanilla silk milk. Noted, thank you!
Yes, it was the vanilla silk milk. Noted, thank you!
Interesting I will have to try this!
I thought the same but once you open the carton it’s 7 days from the date you open it. At least that was the case with almond milk. I thought they lasted a lot longer especially since they are shelf stable etc. I had a ton of black mold on and around the rim of my almond milk well before the expiration date and that is because I’m fine print it says date of expiration is 7 days after opening.
They expire 7 days from the date you open the carton. Atleast for almond milk and I’m fairly certain that applies to oat milk as well. I thought the same as you. But one bad experience is all you need.
I tried hard to switch to almond/oat milk but the crazy thing is that it expires much more quickly than whole milk. So it was defeating the purpose because I wasn’t drinking it fast enough and ended up wasting a ton of it. Wish they’d make them in smaller jugs or whatever.
Roger Federer
Oh, thank goodness. I may now have to go back and revisit in that case.
Good point. I enjoyed the book, but the show was just phenomenal. A testament to the caliber of production to be sure.
I was really surprised by the book (I read it after watching the series). It is rare that I feel a TV adaptation of a story is more engaging than the the book, but that was certainly my takeaway in this instance.
Watched Our Planet, season 2 episode 2, and just started weeping uncontrollably when I saw the baby Albatross dying from being fed plastics and other toxic waste. I had to tap out.
Yea, choose a metric line, e.g., Iambic pentameter—really spice things up!
I chortled at this one, LOL.
Oh, absolutely. No hate to the customer service woman. I realize she was probably under pressure from the powers that be, but nevertheless, she enforced the absurd policy (understandably, girl’s gotta eat), didn’t make the experience any more palatable for me, however.
I absolutely HATE Walmart. I should hate them for their exploitation of workers, their shit products or any number of their shit corporation’s dealings. But the thing that drew the final blow for me was an incident dealing with their self checkout and their system of ascribing guilt for theft without any due process.
I went to a store about half an hour away from where I lived as they aren’t common near where I’m from. Bought several items including a marker board. Checked out using self checkout. Marker board was too big to fit into a bag, so I set it aside to bring with me after scanning everything. Well, as luck would have it, when I got home I realized I never brought my marker board home but I had paid for it and had the receipt to prove it. I called the store and explained the situation to the manager at customer service who assured me I could come to the store and pickup the item, no troubles.
So I drove back up to the store hour round trip. I get there and the customer service line is about 15 people deep at this point. Only one person behind the counter. After about 30 min waiting in line, I finally get up to the counter and explain my issue, showing the receipt and that I had spoken to a manager earlier and that they said to come in and it would be fine to pickup the marker board. Well, not only was it not fine, but then the woman behind the counter, after having a discussion with her security dept over the phone who “reviewed the footage” from my checkout, decided that I had actually attempted to put something into my pocket to steal something!? Incredulously, I asked her why on earth I would go through the trouble to come all this way back to the store for an item that I clearly paid for along with about $60 worth of other stuff which again, also clearly paid for, if I had stolen something!? She refused to budge and I was honestly shocked she had the audacity to accuse me of theft 100% seriously. I left that store and haven’t set foot in a Walmart since. It’s been 4 years and it’s the best consumer decision I’ve ever made.
This comment will be the Shaman to my new voyage into Linux. Thanks for the very detailed instructions!