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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • This one is a little challenging, and there’s not a ton of research out there, but food sensitivities/allergies aren’t caused by people’s ethnicity or background, but their allergies can be adaptations to environmental and sociocultural stimuli, which can be passed down through families, which could subsequently impact what food they decide to eat.

    This article might help explain it better, but there’s a bit of a gap in the research into allergies and genetics, though I’m by no means an expert. Here’s a relevant quote:

    Research in general, however, suggests that a complex interplay of socioeconomic, environmental, cultural, and systemic health inequities may influence higher prevalence rates of food allergies in certain marginalized populations.

  • Yeah, I hate the interfaces, but especially the super-loud non-mutable beeps which seem to be common on every model I’ve seen. My two-burner induction setup has analog knobs for temp control, which is awesome, but it stills beep when you turn them, with every single temperature increase. Drives me crazy.

    I’ll never go back to gas though. My new apartment came with a gorgeous brand new gas range, and it absolutely sucks compared to my $50 countertop induction.

  • Do something real

    If I had been planning to make a big purchase on Friday, but decided to join the boycott and not make the purchase, that is absolutely doing something. That is money that the retailer will not get from me.

    If I usually buy groceries on Fridays, or Friday is the day I drive by the local Target and sometimes stop in, but because of the boycott I actively decide not to, that is absolutely doing something. That is money that those retailers might have come to expect, that they will not get from me.

    If enough people make those decisions, the impact will most definitely be felt and reach the top.

    Collective action is incredibly powerful. Sometimes collective action means deciding not to do something, together. And that is also incredibly powerful.

    I’d love to hear your suggestions on what “real” looks like to you.

  • Seconding this. He has a great style that keeps it light and simple while still explaining the science behind why certain methods work better than others. I also love that he shows his work by talking about all the testing that goes into his recipes and methods.

    He also used to regularly respond to random comments and questions on the other site, which was super cool, though I don’t know if he still does since I went cold turkey so long ago.

  • A middle school teacher asked for an analogy about something, I don’t remember what specifically, but I raised my hand and excitedly said “Oh! Like how math can help you understand music and music can help you understand math?”

    The teacher looked at me like I was a total fool and said “music has absolutely nothing to do with math, how could you possibly think that?”

    Since I was a snarky little punk, and I knew I was right, I said “have you heard about the circle of fifths? Let me tell you about it” and I proceeded to explain the mathematical beauty of music to the entire class. I even had sheet music in my bag from my piano lessons, so I pulled it out and showed it to everyone to explain the bars, tempo, and time signature, all of which are based on mathematical principles.

    She was not happy to be proven wrong in front of a class of fifth graders.

  • The umbrella is such an underrated skill. My manager is the best buffer between me and the C-suite, and I appreciate it immensely. She doesn’t involve me in any of the company’s internal political crap unless it directly impacts me. She filters out all the bullshit and protects me from our bosses getting in the way of the work.

    Some of her other excellent managerial qualities: she doesn’t cold call me (we’re remote), she doesn’t schedule unnecessary meetings, she has zero contact after COB, and she trusts me to get my shit done during the day, on my own, with absolutely no micro-managing. Some weeks I don’t need to interact with her at all, even though she’s a fun person I never mind chatting with. She’s the best manager.

    It all boils down to mutual respect. Respect leads to trust, trust leads to teamwork and a healthy work environment.

  • My entire team and I work remotely (since before Covid), and it has never been an issue. Nobody puts any extra effort into their appearance, everybody wears sweats and loungewear and women don’t wear makeup. Most of us blur our backgrounds so nobody can see our spaces, but this does not imply anything about our homes other than the fact that we all like our privacy. I can even hear my manager’s breast pump going during meetings (it’s out of frame, obviously), and nobody cares, she’s got a baby to feed after all.

    We’re all people with different lives, different homes, and different bodies. As long as we all get our work done, nobody cares what we look like, sound like, or how our homes are decorated. If you’re feeling undue pressure from your employer about what your personal appearance or spaces are like, I don’t think that company is a good fit. If there are genuine mental health issues at play, then a good company will make a reasonable accommodation to ensure your work doesn’t cause any undue harm.