An electrical sit/stand desk
An electrical sit/stand desk
Potato chips are the worst for this
I couldn’t stand these guys
Subredditdrama was endlessly entertaining
That sub was great and very well-moderated
We’re officially known as dong lovers
This makes sense to me if Michael Cera can play Shaft
Opposite for me haha. Some of those hotel towels put in work
That’s insane
Which cities did you move from and to?
I wonder why wind is still a thing after the 90s
We can get there!
Yeah it seems like this only applies after defederation but idk
Which communities?
Yeah I can kind of see a Basic vs. Advanced sign-up where the basic flow just auto-suggests a server
Yeah! I got this exact model from costco, which is a hell of deal in my opinion: https://www.costco.com/tresanti-geller-47”-adjustable-height-desk.product.4000139627.html
But also, for a step up, I hear that fully makes really good ones: https://store.hermanmiller.com/standing-desks/jarvis-bamboo-standing-desk/2542428.html?lang=en_US
And if you’re a little handy you can just buy the legs and make your own custom top