Im 45 with nothing in the bank. I’ll die hard and homeless probably. Real shit. All good though. Today we feast.
Im 45 with nothing in the bank. I’ll die hard and homeless probably. Real shit. All good though. Today we feast.
I use Luke Smith’s script to set up neomutt usually. Or Thunderbird. I have tried to get mutt working many times on my own and at this point I honestly dont think that I am smart enough.
Closing one eye doesn’t help. Squinting doesn’t help. I hate it. Thanks, I love it !
Oh shit. I would give you my usual “Sorry for being a dick, I had a few too many last night” but that was actually kind of inspiring. In this case I’m glad I drew something beautiful from tour soul by being a douche.
I get it, but maybe dont post just to be posting? The internet misses you, but it will get along OK without you for a day or two while you think of something relevant to anything.
The point is to make you think about climate change and act according to your own conscience. But yeah, unfortunately she is big famous now.whether she intended it or not, once she shows up it’s all about Greta.
Slightly inaccurate but quite funny.
I forgot to say this at the time, but thanks for the response. You helped me to understand the issue.
Probably way more than you notice. Not so subtle example, but I will say playing “All I Want for Christmas” on a loop is a very effective way to get me to make my purchase and get the fuck out of your store.
I was plenty awkward, but ass hair? At 12?
Got it. That makes way more sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain it.
That’s interesting. Would you please further explain the clothes shopping thing? Is it that it is rude for a shopkeeper or, say, the people you may be shopping with to say anything except “That looks great on you”?
Then my knowledge of my own limits must. Be my contribution to the book.
Yes of course. With all vested powers I dub thee Venicon, Librarian Most High, Director to the Book. We only have the one, but it is quite good.
We got it, chief. It is very funny. Have a rest.
Thats a little dark, friend. Are you ok?
I can periodically dust the book. When I’m not dusting, I can stand somewhere conspicuous, and say “This way to the book” if asked.
Honestly I am mildly curious about this, but I am feeling a little too drunk and lazy at this point in my day to look it up and the linked article was not helpful. Can someone eli5 what has the French government so salty? Thanks in advance, -Cas
Does it have a name? In my head I call it “nonplussed 4Chan guy”