Can you tell us some fun facts or stories?
Fan of Linux, modifying firmwares, and open source software. Mostly here to kill time and contribute to Lemmy’s growth.
If you want to play a game together over XLinkKai shoot me a message. I have an original Xbox, PS2, and a PS3 I can use.
Can you tell us some fun facts or stories?
I saw a comment once that said they are like sharks in that they can smell fear.
I really think it comes down to the individual. I personally think that Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New World was likely derived at least partially from the book We by Russian author Yevgeny Zamyatin but both Aldous Huxley and my 10th grade English teacher would disagree. I don’t think it’s wrong to take someone else’s work and add upon it in a way you view beneficial. I view it as a natural evolution if anything and if it gives someone something to enjoy or makes the creative processes a little easier I’m all for it.
Yeah I mean I’m not talking about ReactOS. It’s hard to measure the amount of malware per market share.
I imagine it’s weighted unevenly dependent on it’s user base and target demographic.
I agree but I feel like the obscurity aspect faded out with the I’m a Mac and I’m a PC ads
Yeah in the same remixing a song is considered original
Ah yes me the intellectual using Kali Linux to play Skyrim
I’ve been a user for years and I would agree with that. The only issue I’ve seen people have recently are with Red Hat and their recent source code policy change
Isn’t the whole Macs don’t get viruses thing a myth by this point?
There are a lot more sources for random untrustworthy Windows software than there are for MacOS but that’s on the user the same way keeping your OS up to date is.
That’s what I’m saying. I don’t think any other firmware has those features
I actually plan on selling mine soon. I have an RP3+ for PSP and above and an RG35XX for day to day use.
I do find the use of one analog stick on the RG351V a little odd considering it struggles with PSP. I get it can be useful for homebrew or if you want a D pad replacement but I’m in the camp of two sticks or nothing.
I can’t think of another firmware that has video trailers and the achievement availability icon on the game selection menu
Do you feel like you ever got over the initial setup period? A lot of what you are describing is what I encounter after a fresh install but I don’t typically have any issues after a little bit of tweaking.
What laptop is it?
Have you checked out this page?
I’ve never heard of it. What separates from Project Cartographer and MCC?
It doesn’t really matter. You could try a long term support release and you don’t have to worry as much about constantly updating to prevent stuff from breaking
Garuda has a gaming edition you might want to look at if you decide on a rolling release.
Two notable Americans having a snack that has erratic quality control
Check ProtonDB and the PCGamingWiki.
If Proton gives it a good rating or recommends certain fixes try installing the game and running it without them then move onto the fixes.
If it’s an older or obscure game try the PCGamingWiki. A lot of fixes for Windows games work on Linux. For example game that rely on Games For Windows Live (which stopped working years ago) typically require a tweak or two. Normally it’s a file you just drop into the games directory. Lots of installer scripts on Lutris typically utilize a no-CD fix either because they don’t play well with modern operating systems or they know most people don’t have a CD drive.
If none of that works try searching the game with the keywords Linux and Reddit. /r/Linux_Gaming is a fantastic community. They don’t allow piracy but many of the fixes and “Does X game work?” post translate over.
This goes for pretty much all repackers and DRM-free games like I’ve said.
Plenty of games are on GOG and and they don’t have DRM.
I can’t say I blame them when it comes to going with what’s comfortable.
I used Windows and Linux while in school so it’s what I got used to. Whenever I use MacOS I feel incredibly lost