If anyone finds out any other ways to run it please let us know here. The more ways the merrier. Thanks.
If anyone finds out any other ways to run it please let us know here. The more ways the merrier. Thanks.
Yes its been unable to run for years.
Thanks. :)
Can you post the solution please?
Just in case other people have the same situation.
thanks for providing the solution you found hopefully someone with the same situation or specs might use this information in the future.
are you running amd, intel or nvidia dedicated gpu? Which igpu were you running intel or amd?
Asking in case in the future someone has a similar issue so they can use your solution.
Yes caffe is a runner in bottles. Try it to see if it works for the game. Bethesda BattleNet Launcher works with it.
Make sure to update the distro if possible.
Sometimes restarting the device if you never do, might help in certain scenarios. Some updates need a restart even though most don’t on Linux.
You can try running the Battlenet launcher on lutris and running diablo 4 through instead of standalone. Blizzard launcher sometimes with updates breaks the launching on lutris. It’s why I suggest to try caffe on bottles. Download the .exe for the battlenet launcher and install it on bottles with caffe runner and run it there. Hopefully some of this might fix it. Or someone that has used Suse with more experience might suggest what to do. I don’t have that game but these suggestions are based on my problems with Battlenet launcher for the last year.
did you update the flatpaks?
What distro are you running?
which wine GE version is it?
Did you try running it with caffe on Bottles?
:) Same here loved the game. Used to play it every day.
They released a Tabletop game for it a few months ago.
Redragon M908
Also Logitech MMO mouse work as well.
And if you want to map buttons probably try using piper.