Yeah, people doing that is my fault.
My bad.
Yeah, people doing that is my fault.
My bad.
Yeah, I’m still salty that Google and most other search engines have cut out some of the boolean operators over the last decade or so.
Oh that.
Yeaaaah that gets kind of annoying I imagine…
I feel ya there, friend. Haha.
Okay, so it’s likely to happen. I never disputed that. But just because the VP says he intends for it to happen still is not the same as a statement by the company that it will happen. He could get vetoed. He could lose his job. There could be a material shortage. Trademark disputes. A kraken could fly through his window and devour his testicles forcing him to be in the hospital on the exact day the paperwork has to be filed.
The fact remains this article is titled in a very clickbaity way because it jumps to the foregone conclusion that “want to do” = “will 100% happen”.
I agree. Monopolies/oligopolies are terrible for the consumer.
I feel the same except Google is worse due to higher number of ads in results
I generally don’t see ads due to uBlock Origin. Or am I just not noticing them? Lol.
and most SEO prioritizes Google over Bing meaning more Google results are AI spam articles.
I will give you that. But I find that’s the case with DDG too which is why I’m having to rely more and more on search operators like site:
. I agree that it’s really annoying.
Didn’t know that Codeberg did that. I’ll have to add that to my list of reasons why I love Codeberg. Lol.
Yeah I know, and I don’t like that limitation. Lol. xD
To be honest with you, I didn’t even know that was a feature. (Unless I’m misunderstanding you.) Sounds cool!
If I need to search a website, I use either Ctrl+F or the site:
search engine operator.
Daughters of Darkness, by Halestorm.
Fuck yeah… Yo_oY
His goal.
A VP could have the goal to increase profits by 500% over the next 6 months but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.
It might happen, but just because someone says it’s their goal is no confirmation that it will happen.
I see from the “View source” option that your comment has everything in a neat, line-by-line fashion, though the final markup is decidedly not.
So, a pro-tip I’ve noticed from my own commenting experience: even if you have a line break, Lemmy (for some stupid reason) won’t apply one when rendering; so if you want it to show, you have to use two line breaks, though then there will be an extra half-line or so that you probably never wanted.
For example, don’t do
Line Item 1
Line Item 2
but rather do
Line Item 1
Line Item 2
Yes, I agree it’s rather stupid.
US, specifically southeast Michigan: Ramen, bread, and spaghetti, though as other commenters have said everything has gone up, so even these.
…Oh, sorry.
In their defense, however, it’s probably largely not their fault. In my admittedly one-person-sample-size experience, 90% of the searchable Web is either Reddit threads or articles, and with Reddit going officially with Google (meaning DDG doesn’t catch as many Reddit threads as they used to), that leaves most of the searchable Web being articles. Because SEO has to ruin everything.
So, it’s not really that DDG is shitty (mostly), but that all searches are shitty. Though, with the whole Google-and-Reddit thing, I find Google’s results are noticeably less shitty (though still shitty).
pealing the protective film off the screen
Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeaaaahhhhh…
Oh I get it! It’s certainly not easy. Haha. I struggle with it myself, but I’ve noticed that my mental health improves the more uncluttered my external life is, and my browser is a part of the latter.
“A tidy room is a tidy mind” and all that… It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s got a ring of truth to it, I’ve found, at least for me.
You know, I’ve been trying Zen and although I still prefer horizontal to vertical, I can see I was actually somewhat wrong about what I said.
The sidebar is actually expandable (they don’t make that clear) and if you do expand it beyond its default, you can actually see more of each tab’s titles. It actually helps a lot if you have a shitload of tabs.
If you are like me however and typically try to have only a smaller number of tabs pinned (or consistently open), typically no more than like a third of your screen width at most, then there really is not much of a difference unless you’re already used to vertical over horizontal tab bars.
Default search engine: Google
Text in address bar:
site:google.com google