Very fine charcoal powder maybe (and self-contained breathing apparatus).
Very fine charcoal powder maybe (and self-contained breathing apparatus).
We solved this by having oddparents instead of godparents.
Top three would be my weird Christmas ‘bonuses’ from a previous employer. In order of weirdness: some fake notes (representing the companies record profits that year), a single bike pedal, and finally a spanner which had been spray painted orange.
http://www.vk2zay.net/ Maybe this is obscure enough?! I miss hobby sites like this!
Not obscure enough, cool site though! Used to post there and amateurpyro, mtbs3d and a few others
You will need the tactical bezel add on for that
The very largest potato you can find.
Moved into a newly renovated flat that hadn’t been cleaned. So there was a think layer of brick/plaster dust all over every surface. Then spent months fighting a four figure electricity bill because it turns out the builders had used my particular flat to charge their kit for months.
Renault Vivaro. She’s called Julie. Julie Vandrews. Also know as me Julie.
Love me some 50/50 lemon juice and maple syrup. Never thought to try with balsamic/oil, thanks for the tip!
Yeah I turn AI off on my phone and prefer to shoot RAW. It’s still a legit feature tho.
It’s not marketing fluff though, it’s AI processing, as in recognising what you’re taking a photo of and auto-applying shooting presets/filters. Fairly common these days with new phones.
Capture One has a free 30 day trial IIRC. It’s great for doing this kind of thing, if you put caps lock on you can hit keys 1-5 to rate and it will auto advance.
If only Palmer Lucky had gone all in on teledildonics instead of whatever defence crap he’s peddling these days. We’d all be eating that sweet robot ass.
The Finance Director was fired for being a sex pest. This was after years of hiring policy that basically meant all PMs were his particular type (blonde, big boobs).
Project manager in the creative industries. One place I worked had this policy of moving receptionists into project management. Zero experience and zero training prior to starting.
Aviation maps for drone licenses theory exam. This was before they updated the legislation and you had to actually study aviation.
Other than that I’ve bought OS maps for hiking purposes. Also tried to buy some custom areas to create a custom map poster but it was basically impossible so I ended up building it myself from screenshots.
Capture One is great. Better than LR for many things, especially tethered shooting, but I still need LR for specific workflows (timelapse processing).
Playing Alien Isolation in VR. I couldn’t get past the medical bay level level due to actual fear of death by heart attack.
Used to work in marketing, UK. There was a frew beer fridge, with instructions to only help yourselves after 1630 on a Friday. Beers at lunch were fairly standard on a Friday, less so on other days but not unheard of.