You are not really linking a video from a YouTube channel that features videos like “Can Nuclear Fallout Create Ghouls?”, “One-Punch Man Breaks Physics AGAIN”, “The government let me kiss nuclear waste.” and “How to Defeat Roko’s Basilisk”?
You are not really linking a video from a YouTube channel that features videos like “Can Nuclear Fallout Create Ghouls?”, “One-Punch Man Breaks Physics AGAIN”, “The government let me kiss nuclear waste.” and “How to Defeat Roko’s Basilisk”?
Germany is the second largest contributor of military aid to Ukraine. There are other “wamongering tribes” that seem to send much less.
As long as it is not dryied yet
The law doesn’t make a distinction between dried or not dried. This is only used for measurement. It only distinguishes between alive and dead.
Just cook it out for example.
It’s still a dead cannabis plant.
This law makes no sense in this regard. Allowing three plants just so you have to destroy two an a half of them.
And at one point in time you will be in possession of an illegal amount of cannabis. Even if it is for a short period of time. Sure, you probably won’t be caught but it still seems to be illegal according to CanG
You are allowed to posses 3 plants + 50g consume ready product.
Sure. As long as the 3 plants are alive:
§ 3, Abs 2 CanG reads:
Personen, die das 18. Lebensjahr vollendet haben, ist abweichend von Absatz 1 im Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes an ihrem Wohnsitz oder an ihrem gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt der Besitz von Cannabis wie folgt erlaubt:
(1) von bis zu 50 Gramm Cannabis, bei Blüten, blütennahen Blättern oder sonstigem Pflanzenmaterial der Cannabispflanze bezogen auf das Gewicht nach dem Trocknen, und
(2) von bis zu drei lebenden Cannabispflanzen
Translated by Google:
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, persons who have reached the age of 18 shall be permitted to possess cannabis at their domicile or habitual residence within the scope of this Act as follows:
(1) up to 50 grams of cannabis, in the case of flowers, near-flower leaves or other plant material of the cannabis plant in relation to the weight after drying, and
(2) of up to three live cannabis plants
That is 3 plants that are alive(!). If I’m harvesting or the plant dies of other causes, the plant is no longer alive and I’m suddenly in the possession of much more than the 50 grams allowed by law (and the whole plant counts, not just the buds).
I had a very quick look at the law. It’s a first step. Better than nothing and long overdue. I’m thankful but the law itself seems to be in part contradictory.
I.e.: I’m allowed to grow three cannabis plants. Sounds good? I’m additionally not allowed to own more than 50 grams of cannabis plant material (buds, leafs and stem). How should i even grow a single cannabis plant without making myself culpable?
I guess we’ll have to wait and see how these contradictions are handled by the courts.
I haven’t used Manjaro myself but I heard that it is not as good as Arch. Rumors I heard where that it is not as solid as vanilla Arch. YMMV.
Which one(s)
Having said that, I have an eye on immutable distros. Maybe one day I’ll try one out.
(…) EU court says
The European Court of Human Rights does not belong to the European Union but to the Council of Europe which has nothing to do with the EU. A journalist should know that.
for example that Telegram was able to defeat the Russian government by simply changing the IP address
Nowhere in the article is “defeat” mentioned. The article reads:
But all the while, Telegram’s lawyers tried to fight the original give-up-your-keys order in the courts. It had no luck in Russia itself, which is how the case ended up at the European Court of Human Rights.
This is my last comment. You succeeded in derailing the thread. Congratulations.
These claims mislead users by making Telegram look like a champion of user privacy at its best
So what? This is not the topic of this thread. This thread is about a ECHR ruling / privacy and I would like to keep the discussion on topic. I do not care how evil Telegram is.
Do you want me to give you links to Russian laws that
This article is not about the Russian law. It is about a judgement by the ECHR (33696/19). You are telling us, that the article is “fake-news” and I asked you to proof your claim. I did my part and delivered the judgement itself. Now it’s your time to proof, that this judgement never happened.
BTW. this article and the judgement is not about Telegram vs. Russian Federation. It is about Anton Valeryevich Podchasov vs. the Russian Federation with Mr. Podchasov being a Telegram user. That is my current understanding.
This is not true,
If this isn’t true, than why is there a judgment from the ECHR on this case? Do you have any proof for your claim?
Good time to become vegan. They can’t be against that!
Of course they can. The following is a AfD request (source: German parliament, auto-translated by DeepL)
AfD demands warning against vegan diet
The AfD parliamentary group is calling for warnings about vegan diets. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) should “explicitly and emphatically warn of the dangers of a vegan diet without the additional intake of supplements, especially for risk groups”, according to a motion (20/9798). The warnings would have to be visible digitally on the website of the Federal Agency. Furthermore, the warnings should be included in corresponding printed materials, including a list of possible symptoms of malnutrition.
They are simply against everything. That’s the way they operate. Their party platform states that they want to remove all subsidies for farmers. At the same time they are protesting that a very small part of those subsidies is being removed. They try sow chaos, hatred and division. An AfD politician even said: “The worse Germany is doing, the better it is for the AfD”
When I hear Nazi, I think “Ah, someone disagreed with an asshole”, and I don’t think “Hitler”.
These are some of people that are currently protesting:
Source for the image is Germany’s protestant church:
This really is about Nazis and not just about an asshole.
you can get protests for absurd things.
And you can protest for the right thing. E.g for democracy, freedom and against racism and autocracy.
The majority of those who are protesting are normal people. Even the catholic and protestant churches have called to attend the protests.
Hundreds of thousand of people are protesting every day. This is not a protest by some fringe groups. This is a mass protests by ordinary citizens because our freedoms and our democracy is under attack.
and how Germany’s hate speech laws are abused.
And the next lie … Really, either stop posting or check your sources. That’s (far-right) bullshit.
Im basing my judgement off of some Americans protesting for Hamas
Germany is not the USA. That some Americans are protesting for Hamas has nothing to do with Germany.
BTW, in Bremen 40,000 protested today. In Cologne another 70,000 protested. In Munich the protest had to be stopped after after more than 100.0000 (conservative estimate) people came together before the protest even started. And that are only some cities where protests are happening today. There are (peaceful) protests every day all over Germany and protests continue.
Maybe you belief German Jews than:
The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Josef Schuster expresses deep concern about the AfD’s high poll numbers.
“The right-wing extremist party currently has nationwide support that I would not have imagined even in my nightmares, and this causes me serious concern,” said Schuster in an interview with Web.de.News.
The AfD is ‘largely nationalist, racist, and ethnically exclusive,’ and it ‘clearly also embodies Nazi ideals,’ added the Central Council President. ‘If a party like the AfD were ever to be part of a federal government, one would have to seriously consider whether Jewish life is still possible in Germany.’
Schuster recalled that Charlotte Knobloch, a Holocaust survivor and President of the Munich Jewish Community, said in 2006 that the Jews in Germany had finally unpacked their bags.
‘That statement was absolutely accurate at the time,’ he said. ‘Today, one or two people are already looking in the attic where they stowed the empty suitcase, so they can have it ready to hand again.”
Stop making broad claims just because you read one article on Wikipedia.
Do you really belief such protests on an unprecedented scale are happening all over Germany (my country) because the AfD doesn’t like terrorists?
The headline is not wrong but somewhat misleading. Yesterday there where more than 300,000 people protesting against the Nazi party (AfD) and yesterday wasn’t even the first or the last day of protests.
People are realizing that we are not talking about an ultra-conservative party but about an anti-democratic and racist party that wants to deport millions of people - many of them Germans - from Germany. That is exactly the plan Hitler had and that led to the Holocaust.
Those people lost their minds.
The AfD parliamentary group leader for Saxony-Anhalt, Ulrich Siegmund, is also in the room. It is he who will, later on in the day’s proceedings, appeal for donations. He has considerable influence within the AfD; the party is currently polling in first place in Saxony-Anhalt. His sales pitch, very much in keeping with the “masterplan” of Sellner, details his ideas to change the image of German streets. Foreign restaurants would be put under pressure. Living in Saxony-Anhalt should be made “as unattractive as possible for this clientele.” And that could be accomplished very, very easily, he claims. His comments could have consequences for the region’s upcoming elections.
No more indian / chinese / greek / italian / thai … restaurants. Only schnitzel and pork roast.
Why is he even allowed to enter Germany?
According to the “Act on the General Freedom of Movement for EU Citizens” EU citizens that pose a risk to public order and/or security can loose their entitlement. He is without any doubt such a risk. He’s a foreigner and a clear danger to our country.
I’ve better things to do than to watch some dude on YouTube that lives of sensationalist video titles
And: The problem of nuclear waste disposal seems not to be solved. There is active R&D ongoing.
Source (not some Dude on YouTube):
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series; Status and Trends in Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management (PDF)