I mean, it’s about as sustainable as you can get on earth I would imagine, there’s a huge amount of lithium in seawater. It would take an insanely long time to deplete the 180000000000 tons of lithium in sea water.
Lol, my friend is always on the lookout for “pro-life” thrift stores, apparently they have the best deals. (BC)
They’re my favourite podcast. I support them heavily on Patreon. So much solid content.
Somewhere in Rousseau’s “Confessions” there’s a bunch about him becoming disillusioned by the church as a child because of sexual abuse, and the head priest tells him “that’s how it’s always been”. That was written in 1769!
The British Colombia part of the map is very inaccurate. Not sure about the rest. Appreciate the sentiment though.
Start playing a musical instrument. Works for me
Pretty sure the WHO is working on that.