Innocent, definitely not lol. Where do you live? Where would you prefer to live? Why don’t you live there?
Innocent, definitely not lol. Where do you live? Where would you prefer to live? Why don’t you live there?
We live on acreage and our heating is essentially free thanks to the wood stove. I mean I spend probably $50 a year on gas for the wood splitter preparing wood, which I don’t mind at all when I hear about people’s hydro or gas bills in the winter. I also love the smell. It smells like home.
I worked in a dump for years. Wife eventually told me to stop bringing crap home.
Best yield was a Nintendo ds in a case with 8 games. STILL HAD BATTERY LIFE!
Vac sealer. Bulk.
I understand, for alot of people living in apartments or room sharing situations this is difficult. But, taking advantage of sales and utilizing a vac sealer can go a long way.
If you don’t mind pork, it can be extremely budget friendly and is a good source of protein. Here in Canada it can sometimes get to $2 or under a pound for pork chops or shoulder. Same with whole chickens or dark meat cuts.
When this happens. I often buy $30-60+ worth, take it home, portion it to family meal size and vac seal/date/label it.
After doing this for a while, even with beef products. My chest freezer slowly fills up and eventually, we get to the point where we don’t buy much meat during our weekly grocery visit, unless of course, I see a really good meat deal.
In addition, learning to process and prepare you’re own meat products like sausage, burgers, raviolis, meat balls, jerky can also go a very long way. My family doesn’t buy any frozen processed crap meat products. We do everything from scratch, and it’s soooo much better. Last year I bought pork shoulders only on sale and kept them in the freezer. I would only buy under $2 a pound. I ended up making around 50 pounds of sausage (Italian and brats) that sausage lasted us almost 10 months.
Funny how people the same folk who put themselves on a moral pedestal and preach about how “its everyone else thats greedy” are the same that have no quandries about theft.
Stealing is one thing - lazy.
The middle two probably describes the lemmy users as well.
Do you really believe that nonsense?
It’s not the best, but far better than 95% of countries on the planet.
How many Americans would opt to move to Malaysia? How many Malaysians would opt to move to America?
Truth hurts. Easy to moan and complain from the first world.
Ding ding ding! Someone around here gets it.
Main problem, you’ll be steam rolled by your enemies without institutionalized authority and regiment.
I guess hypothetically it doesn’t take long to teach someone how to use a gun, but based on my interactions with people who refuse to touch a gun or want to destroy any current legal firearm ownership legislation - teaching them to be proficient with a firearm will be an entirely different ballgame.
Yes because I look to Malaysia for sound and reasonable advice on human rights and warfare…
Same! I realized everything I had posted to the Canada sub had been shadow deleted. What does it say about a narrative if you have to delete all and any opossition. It means it’s not actual popular or common.
That’s odd, mine actually has a “moist” mode. It has a little cavity where any juice that get sucked up go. You just have to empty it often if you’re doing alot of meats that are juicy. As for soups, I do one of two methods, freeze over night in a Tupperware, then remove from Tupperware and Vac seal or ill just let it cool and vac seal, which might leave a small air gap, but I haven’t notice it effect the soup like it does meat.
There’s definitely an interesting demographic around here. I’ve been dog piled by tankies who don’t like my opinion, but it’s to be expected. I don’t mind it. As long as my comments aren’t deleted, I can take the downvotes.
No more dried pork chops or chicken! I probe everything I eat. I also used a “Meater” to cook our Thanksgiving turkey, came out ridiculously juicy.
If you have decent freezer space, there’s no excuse to not use a vac sealer. I have so many friends that constantly complain about meat prices but don’t take advantage of buying meat on sale in bulk. With a vac sealer, you can really get ahead. Also processing and preparing your own meat products (burgers, sausage).
We also vac seal soups and broths!
Also, on the topic of slow cookers, while not $50 and under, a ninja foodi is a pressure/slow cooker and air fryer combo. I literally use mine everyday. It gets more use than my microwave or stove.
This is stupid. But socks and underwear. All new socks and underwear.
I love throwing out all my old ragged socks and having a bunch of brand new pairs in the drawer.
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