Why not just use Apple Maps for now, until you find one that works better for you?
Why not just use Apple Maps for now, until you find one that works better for you?
This new Bitwarden 2FA does backup and restore! It was also important to me, as I had a phone stolen one time and without my backed up “emergency codes”, I’d been SOL! :)
We, as in the people who have seen this shit before, and refuse to fall for it.
There’s some reading for you to do, so that you understand the risks involved with letting some asshat company, who does not give a flying fuck about you, have even more leverage on the internet than they already do.
Yeah, no. The issue is we don’t want corpos using the EEE standard as they have with mostly everything internet wise.
If people want to use Lemmy, make a fucking account, join an instance, and WOW look at that, we grew!
God, yes! I see updates like this and just go, “Cool, moving on” because I have no idea what it does, and if you’re trying to get me to adopt your cool thing, I’m going to need more then what appears to be some random strings of words. 😅
Genuinely, the world does not want to always take part in what you want. There are rules to society that most of us at least try to follow out of respect. Time and place to be surrounded by music. I’d definitely say on the bus or train is not the time or place. Agree?
Haha! I’d helped Omeluum escape the underwater prison and still forgot about him… I am not a smart person…
Hahaha! I love it! I should do a good Durge play through, as I hear it is possibly the “canon” in the games trilogy, right?
Damn… in my rush to save everyone, I never once took into account if they WANTED to be saved. Well played, friend. Well played. I see the loss in a new way. 🙏
I felt kind of let down that the only option Karlach got was to die basically or go back to being a slave for war. I let her perish, thinking ultimately, it was for the best. (In the moment)
I’m glad you two played it together and she was into it! Thank you for your comment and story! :)
I love it! Thank you for sharing! When it came to Wyll, I had already gone into the Wyrmway to kill Ansur, before I had even met with Gortash. I destroyed the Steel Watch area before even meeting him. I killed Orin before it too. I am seeing now that I probably broke Wyll’s quest myself because Gortash and his ilk attacked me as soon as I entered the castle to go and speak to Gortash. I used non-lethal attacks on his father right before I finished Gor off, so I thought I was going to be able to save him right then and there. Nothing happened. I got the last stone, and that was it before shit started hitting the fan with the brain. So, Mizora is like offering Wyll his father, but I talked him into breaking it off. I felt really let down with that moment because I went out of my way to attack Ravengard with non-lethal attacks. All it would let me do was loot him as if he was dead. It made me feel silly for even doing that.
When it comes to Orpheus, my thought process was that I had gone this far without even using any of the tadpoles, so I again refused to turn into one when I felt like it was more of Orpheus’ right thing to do. If it makes anyone feel better, I did talk him into not dying and being able to watch his race triumph from afar. Also, might be a spoiler so proceed with caution…
I didn’t know you could make Karlach turn into an illithid since her engine is basically going to kill her anyway. (I didn’t try to convince her to go back to Avernus because I wasn’t truly thinking she’s really going to die right here. I was wrong…
I love how yours turned out though, thank you for sharing! :)
Shocking. Truly shocking.
Oh, yeah! That app that totally EVERYBODY uses even though it’s really garbage for information! 🤠
Does nobody just increase their cursor size…? 😂
You are correct. Your friend could have the option to interject with their own sentence. Cool until you play with someone who immediately zones out when a cutscene is playing.
Finally! Someone who does the same thing! People look at me like I’m crazy when I say I don’t have a sleep schedule. I let my body do the scheduling. Like you, when it comes to staying up all night, I just tell myself I’ll get some bomb ass sleep tonight. Lol
Thank you so much for bringing Orion to my attention! I have installed a few Firefox extensions to test it out. 👌
But why do you care if someone else is using it or not…? It’s more privacy centric than Google at least.