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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • I’m not even sure I would call it “low income households”, more like “older building/houses”. Plenty of expensive apartment units are in old buildings (I’m looking at you NYC) without proper ventilation.

    I own a unit in a co-op in a building that is over 100 years old. I have a gas stove. There is a vent on my above-range microwave but it’s just a filter that blows it back into the room. I do a lot of cooking. I’m in danger.

  • This is why I always try and find a parking spot closest to a cart corral. People go crazy trying to get a spot closest to the front of the store, but ultimately your last stop before getting in your car should be at the cart corral. Yes, sometimes this means parking further away from the front door, but I have functioning legs and walking an extra 30 feet isn’t a problem.

  • Nah, the Stop n Shop I go to has portable scan guns, it’s really the best. If I have to shop somewhere that doesn’t have these, it will ruin my day. For the uninitiated, it’s a portable bar code scanner with a little screen on it. You scan items as you take them off the shelf, put them in your bags, and when you are done shopping there is a “checkout” button on the gun/screen that generates a barcode. Scan that barcode at the self checkout, pay, and be on your way. It is peak grocery shopping efficiency.

  • Working in IT - Desktop support. One of my co workers picked up a ticket to go replace a keyboard in HR. HR was in a different building and it was mid winter and really cold out. He grabbed his coat and walked over there to replace the keyboard. Apparently he had a fat stanky bag of weed in his coat pocket. It was apparently very noticeable. A phone call was made before he even got back, and he was immediately let go.

    This was before any kind of legalization existed in the area.

  • As a fellow tall, I don’t even buy things unless they are “T” sized anymore. Gave up on it a long time ago. My shirt size is “XLT”. There are sometimes things like work events or other places where they are giving away T shirts and they ask for my size and I tell them XLT and they are like “How about XXL?” and I’m like “No”. I don’t need to add another ill-fitting t shirt to the pile of shirts I will never wear.

    Kohl’s has a big and tall section that is pretty reliable. The past few years I have been stocking up on Tommy Bahama clothing. I have a relative who works pretty high up the chain for their corporate office so I am able to get a discount which brings the price of their clothing down from “outrageously expensive” to “still pretty expensive”. It’s damn good quality clothing though. I have the Big & Tall Bali Skyline T-shirt in every color. It’s probably the most comfortable thing I have ever worn.