Idea as dumb as that beard.
Idea as dumb as that beard.
The way that your keywords are now only vague suggestions at best?
Duckduckgo does that for me, ignores a word even if there are only two. I then use the !g
bang for Google, they still work like they always did here (Swiss).
I mean some kind of unified interface spec and the hardware conforms to it?
Yeah, but why isn’t that handled in hardware or microcode?
x86, ARM, are intended to be multipurpose, right? So why tf does the OS running on it need multiple layers of abstraction and have the right drivers to support common features? Wouldn’t it be possible to standardize the interfaces for audio, hw video acceleration, etc. so that you just need one audio driver for all x86 CPUs, another for ARM and be done?
libadwaita-without-adwaita and use a theme.
And, i use Kvantum for Qt apps on XFCE but think it works the reverse too?
They are not, that would require changes in the strong force.
Maybe <some video player> to /dev/video0 and then VNC?
Ugh, no. Another “emulate in browser what could’ve been native” thing.
Ah, right, it’s the inline code
. Mindslip. Thanks!
Isn’t that a wayland notification daemon already?
Edit: no, that’s dunst.
Btw, how do you do the background color thing?
On gtk desktops it’s something like Baobab. Too sad that the big guys can’t make lightweight and standalone software.
My dad’s Linux setup couldn’t log in. After a bit of investigation, starting the session manually and so on, i got a hunch and indeed; i saw in Baobab that the backup script took the wrong disk, filled up the one with home, making it slow, so the log-in thingie timed out, failing the session.
XFCE only mostly though. Stuff like tray and xfwm (the window manager) not yet.
That was one of my main reasons to move to Linux about 10 years ago; you couldn’t just replace that shitty desktop of Windows 7 with a better one (well, there was Blackbox, a Openbox fork).
Vaccinations are pretty much your choice.
Huh? Only DE thing not being stable for me was xfce Thunar being crashy for a while. There are unstalbe DE?
magick import of imagemagick has a crosshair. Here’s my function:
screnshot() {
## script to make screenshots with imagemagick's import command and display them
## usage: screenshot <path> <name>
_id="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")"
mkdir -p "$_dir"
printf '%s\n' "$_shot"
magick import "$_shot" && \
magick display "$_shot"
And good old xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-screenshooter -r and xfce4-screenshooter -w.
Btw, why do search engines never expose a API, in which you can filter and sort how you’re happy?