Yeah we eventually got to that in the other comments. It was a whole thing
Yeah we eventually got to that in the other comments. It was a whole thing
No problem, Lu. You’re my best friend.
Sorry for the late response, I was saving a bear from a baby attack
To be fair, it is one form of centralization; although, I admit, I was twisting the meaning of the term a bit to fit my sarcastic remark.
That being said, as primarily a shitposting lurker who only occasionally actually creates content designed for sharing, I don’t mind the extra communities. I’m no stranger to seeing reposts, and I get my kicks from leaving the odd comment that may or may not spawn some sort of rant (usually from myself, not the other parties), but hopefully just tickles someone, and then scrolling to the next. If it’s the same thing, I just keep scrollin’.
I could see how it would be irritating to post to multiple communities designed around the same idea, but perhaps the solution is more like turning each community into an aggregate of all similar communities. You could opt your community into a master community, and any post made in one would get shared to all of them.
Yeah let’s just centralize all of this bullshit.
Well, I mean, today is not my birthday, but I legitimately am 37.
Oh there’s plenty of sounding. That’s what I meant. I put a theremin in my pee hole.
My wife has been dead for 40 years.
Also, I’m 37
or IS it???
theremin sounds
Oh that was a euphemism for taking a shit
Nah both of those things were lies. I was just joking about browsing Lemmy while driving with a pregnant woman, and then I made another lie with the shit euphemism thing. I’m a habitual liar.
Nah not really lol
And while I’m driving my wife to the hospital to have our baby… how fortuitous!
Oh, the humanity! All those meatballs! 😭
Oh yeah. At least it’ll be 5 hours long
NileRed here we come
Are you talking about calling in sick, or taking PTO? Because I’ll be damned if anyone is gonna jump my ass over spending my earned time off as I please.
If I call in sick, I usually just stay at home and freak out all day about someone from work coming by.
Cokehead Failson is my apocalypse name nobody else can have that
Male PE teachers when I was a kid
I worked with a gal named Lu who ran an industrial laser cutter, wore overalls, and was really into guns. Like, she owned several hundred rare antique ones - not stuff you just take out and shoot on the weekend.