Psensor. It’s gui only. I don’t care for the graph so I just resize the window until I only see the numbers.
The problem in America is that more and more skilled workers are having to settle for making hamburgers because of shit like this. Good luck getting any “portfolio” shit done when you’re working 2 unskilled labor jobs and still not making your monthly bills.
This also doesn’t address the fact that employers give zero fucks about that stuff. Portfolios. Gimme a fucking break. It doesn’t matter if you singlehandedly made an entire Linux distro, no one’s going to care.
Making your own indie games when you already have the skills and don’t have college debt is a thing that already generally doesn’t work out.
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The hand out window in drive thru, the one where you give the customer their food is the most stressful position to work because whoever is in that window has to deal with all the bullshit pretty much. 2 months of working only that position would be pure torture.
I don’t even know what wayland is. I hope my system isn’t using it but I kind of don’t care enough to figure out how to check.
It’s a pain. Stuff does break for no reason. I’m a slave to it’s enhanced hardware compatibility and higher success rate at running proton games that are borderline. You just can’t beat the wiki and the community support. It’s too good to not have. But you still run into issues it’s just that I’d be no better off on a different distro.
Oh, I’m sure they’ll charge a minimum of $2k/month even for the shittiest of the shithole office apartments. They’ll get their money don’t worry.
Believe it or not, shooting customers is against company policy at most fast food chains.
Every time I’ve ever owned a non gpu laptop, it’s like I’ve always had to bring along either another laptop or a gaming console when on longer term trips or temporary moves. I don’t care that gaming laptops are 0.2 inches thicker which somehow makes them 100% impractical to most people. I’d rather only have to bring 1 device with me.
Once you’ve used your ass to cause each of the 4 situations to happen, you receive god powers.
I’ve had the opposite experience. I left my job in fast food management in 2017 to pursue better options and it ended up being the most expensive mistake of my life. I was making $24/hr. I was self sufficient. I haven’t made anywhere near as much since. The grass is always greener on the other side, folks.
At a certain point, not just the companies doing this are to blame but the people working for them as well. Who tf can support this kind of thing? People need to have some self fucking respect.
For example we could probably have the cure for cancer right by now if they spent half the effort on it as they did making unbeatable thc drug tests for example. It’s clear where society’s priorities are. Improving lives does not generate profit.
But then at least by the time they get it working, they’ll have enough practice to make a new llm to convert their Java code to a useful programming language.
Java is definitely a programming language but good luck actually getting it to compile on anyone else’s machine besides the person who wrote the project.
I know someone like that. He’s always drinking. And always drunk. He says he’d rather kill himself than drink less. Has a fancy government that drug tests him every 5 minutes just about. He makes a lot of money though. No idea how this is even sustainable. Guess they don’t give a shit as long as you don’t smoke weed.
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Gigabyte apparently. They have drivers on their website. Windows 11 just wanted to be extremely picky about the storage device I used. There was probably a cd with drivers in the motherboard box but who tf has a cd drive these days? Just formatting ntfs on any flash drive is apparently not good enough. Also, no matter which version of the drivers I used, unchecking “hide incompatible drivers” was the only way to make anything ever show up. I’m 100% sure I was using the correct ones for the exact motherboard model and revision number.
The only disadvantage of display port that I can think of is that it’s harder to find capture devices (or at least Linux compatible ones) that have display port. Generally no one cares about that stuff though. I use capture cards because I sometimes do stuff involving other computers and it’s 1000 times more convenient to have a vlc window floating around with the display output.
No one seems to have this use case besides me, I’m just glad that there exist capture cards fast enough to do playback in real-time and not a 5 second delay. I don’t stream.