No, I’m using Emby
Does it work for porn? Asking for myself.
You win again, Nintendo
As to your last question: It would almost certainly not be worth it.
I’m fighting the same battle, because I am in a quasi-leadership role now, and I have to say the examples of positivity and optimism, when my instinctive reactions to most things are rolling my eyes and sighing because “Ugh, not this shit again.” Is going to be an uphill battle. The funny part is, I’m never actually upset. The more problems get thrown my way, the more excited I get to solve them. Unfortunately I have this very odd habit of presenting my excitement in a way that everyone else in the world understands to be frustration and negativity.
I am part of a new team created to bring order to the chaos that resulted from a disorganized wellbeing company merging with an even worse health plan administration company. I am in a constant battle to help people understand the byzantine complexities of the systems powering our stuff, and encourage and facilitate open communications between teams and departments that until now have each had their heads buried in the sand, with zero interest in understanding how their work contributed to the whole. Also I come up with better ways to do all these things. I think businesses Analyst position responsibilities probably vary widely by team and company though.
Engineering Business Analyst. I need to learn SQL though
Sounds like it yeah. I never went to that other subsite
Yeah but someday I will be a rich country club person. And then people like me better watch their step!
A CRM for a large client. A VERY large client.
Yeah, Patrick Bateman seems pretty plainly obvious to me also
Are you using the HDMI ARC connection on your TV? That’s the one that will let you control volume with the AppleTV remote.
I would also love some suggestions. I have never liked the sound, or fit, of my Beats Fit Pros.
A Buncha muncha cruncha human!
All my mechanical keyboards would be *useless *
Paul Simon, Rhythm of the Saints