Just here for good conversation with good people.
I guess if you can’t beat them it’s the next best thing.
This is correct. I work in bot detections. There are baseline checks for various browser automation used as bot frameworks like Puppeteer or Playwright. Then there is basic analysis of server side and client side fingerprints; meaning, do the fingerprints you claim make sense. There are other heuristics too and I imagine Cloudflare is monitoring movements that point to automation. All of this happens after you click. I personally prefer this over Google’s captcha which frequently doesn’t recognize me as a human but is easily bypassed by bots.
You son of a bitch, I’m in.
Out of curiosity, was this the dynamic growing up and prior to the move? I just wonder if your father is a narcissist. If you were always blamed while your siblings could do no wrong then there’s a strong chance that’s the issue.
Regardless, I’m so sorry about how your father has treated you. I feel like I can relate in some way. As an adult it’s taken some time to sort through those past issues. It’s hard to come to the realization that a parent can’t be what you want or need them to be.
Someone else in the comments mentioned therapy and I just want to echo that. There’s nothing wrong with it and I think everyone should do sessions with an expert in their life. I hope you can find some peace regardless. Best of luck OP.
Chaotic. I love it.