This is a hail Mary tweet lol
This is a hail Mary tweet lol
State of emergency rocked
Or luigi blackrock
works at a place that collects taxes
voted for a guy who wants to get rid of taxes
I literally had to tell people libertarianism fails harder and faster than communism was getting weird stares until I told them about the book “a libertarian walks into a bear”
I still look like a raging communist but idc
Wait what’s the other watch called. I want that
Basically my thoughts are, if you give slight pushback to American talking points you get called a tankie. It’s kind of annoying.
Wait till you see trump and umbrellas
It started from an American user on tik tok saying “we should go to a Chinese app like red book” it’s a meme that went wild
I’m also learning it’s not real dude we’ve been duped
Shill=/= people you disagree with
This is breaking my brain… world news told me it was bad and told me what “experts” say about privacy.
I mean america has wage slavery. I just think the detail are just different
Or someone who slightly disagrees with a republican
Y’all-queda is taking notes
Buying a yearly pass for nintendo switch retro games. Just feels gross.
Nope, no sympathy, next question