Let’s see you do that with FIAT CURRENCY. Shitcoin is so much more efficient!!
Let’s see you do that with FIAT CURRENCY. Shitcoin is so much more efficient!!
In what fucking universe are mergers and acquisitions difficult my man
No shit, they were discussing the possible geopolitical implications, not saying China is uniquely duplicitous. Please use your media literacy to not insert words into people’s mouths.
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Assange got e-mails for both Republican and Democratic parties from a Russian hacker associated with the Kremlin and then specifically chose to withhold the Republican e-mails and release the Democratic e-mails. If he meant anything he said about transparency, he would have released everything, but that’s not what he or his employers wanted. They wanted their puppet president in Trump, and Assange was happy to help like the Russian asset he is.
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if we punish rapists for rape, good luck finding any non rapist journalists!!!
Just fucking unhinged
This is a game at least
No you see, it feels like the US supplied it and that’s good enough for them
Like 12 idiots on the Internet who then decided to never shut the fuck up about it.
Agreed. Capital, states, etc all have issues in the same way. I just think the state can work for the people and I’m not convinced of the alternative. Both libertarians and anarchosyndicalists have some wild basically religious ideas about how everyone will basically just work together and not dick each other over because of… Social norms, I guess? I just have a hard time believing it.
It is, a lot of people just have pseudo mystical beliefs about how people will act when there is no state. They like to imagine everything bad about humans is capitalism/the state/insert Boogeyman, not that the state and laws exist because we tried the alternative and no system at all always does work out to might makes right. A warlord always moves in to fill the power vacuum.
Some people are bastards and any system you create has to be created with the explicit assumptions that people are bastards. Some people just want to believe no one is a bastard or that there are not enough bastards to hurt the reasonable people. I think those people are wildly optimistic, and removing power structures does not remove the temptation to exert power or the ability, only one specific means.
Aren’t you the guy chomping at the bit for China to take Taiwan and Hong Kong over? Like a jingoist might?
No, I am proposing that sufficiently large groups of people have some right to self determination, to only be part of nations which they choose to be part of. I’m saying Hong Kong is culturally, philosophically, and historically distinct from the People’s Republic of China at this point, and pretending they’re not is silly. You’re talking as if, like, Singapore doesn’t exist, that if any city state exists that’s somehow an absurdity.
Hong Kong has some shared history with China but not a shared philosophy. That’s why there’s the AND clause there. If you have shared history but not shared philosophy, it’s merely imperialism with a patina of historicity, i.e., “we should own this because we did at one point, regardless of the wishes of the people.” If you have shared philosophy but not shared history it may work out, but don’t be surprised when different cultures within your state react to issues in ways that are informed by their differing histories.
You are effectively saying that you don’t have an issue with colonialism, just that the wrong people were doing it before and now the right people can do it. I’m saying that the people of Hong Kong deserve self-determination if their political will is not represented in the state of the People’s Republic of China, which it will not be.
That people who desire self determination should be able to have it, that they should not be expected to be ruled by whomever is most powerful and happens to be ethnically similar. I think states should be based on a shared history and philosophy rather than ethnically segregating them to suit China.
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This guy posts literally nothing but Assange spam.
If you think science fiction is laser fights in space, this opinion makes sense. If you like characters and setting, it’s probably some of the best sci fi on TV.
Somewhere where people are more sympathetic to Russian assets
Holy shit you must be 13 if you think RvB is from the 90s.